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• October 2, 2013, Wednesday
• Secret Bunker
• 10:10 P.M.

Victim's POV

I awakened from shock, when I felt hot water was splashed at my face. I scream from the pain it brought me. It felt like my skin was melting from my face, because of how hot it is.

"Wake up, dog. You should at least respect the master of the house, or rather, master of the bunker," she spoke in an intimidating way. I glared at her, and I grit my teeth from irritation. I look down to see I was chained to a chair. It was a metal chair, with rust, and I was naked.

"You bitch! What are you trying to do to me?!" I yelled in confusion. This woman is getting on my nerves. She has me tied even though she is just a mere woman. She punches my stomach again, and grinned. I gagged, and I felt like I was about to vomit. This is not good. It felt really painful. It's indescribable, but it felt like it took my breath away.

"You can shut the fuck up. I don't want a disgrace to talk to me that way," she says with a cold voice, and her eyes showed emptiness and disappoinment. "What made you try to touch my woman?! You think you're more handsome than me? I can give her a better time than you!" Her every word pierces like blades. Her tone of voice was more scary than any foe I've had.

I became mute. I don't know what to say. I suddenly became scared, but I'm sure I can escape. I can't be scared of a mere woman. I need to find a way to get out of this hell hole.

She looks at me with a dissatisfied look. "No disgusting man can touch my crystal," she says and punched my face, which burned and hurt my face. Like being hit by rocks at the face. No mercy was given to me.

"Fucking- know- your- place!" Then finally she gave a kick to my stomach, which took my breath away. I felt nauseous as I puked all over the floor. Some got on her foot, and her left eye twitched. She roundhouse kicked my face, which earned a groan. I felt dizzy, as if my vision darken from the impact. "Wake up, bitch!" I felt a sting on my left cheek. I think she slapped me. I don't really know. I feel dizzy. She pours cold water on me this time, and I yell in shock.

"How about I start with one of my most favorite game? Let's see..." She goes to some shelves, and tools that are displayed on it. Some are weapons. This bitch! What was she planning to do to me?!

"Here we go." She got something that looked like a toothpick. A really sharp one. "I always have these really sharp toothpicks just so I can play this game." I don't get it. How can toothpicks have a game, and be a way to scare people? I scoffed at her. She must be an amateur.

"Okay, I'll be asking questions. Each time I hate your answer I'll be piercing your fingernails with these toothpicks." This bitch is crazy.

"What the fuck are you talking abou- Ow!" I felt a sting under my fingernail. It hurt. "I said I'll be asking questions. Didn't you hear me? The more you say something stupid, the more I'll put these things under your nails." I bite my lip as it bleeds from biting way too hard. This bitch.

"Now let me ask, what made you think you can touch what is already mine?" this bitch, thinking that other bitch is hers. I can hurt you ten times worst once I get out of these chains.

"No, she's not yours. If I get out of here, I'll fuck your girl up until you just see a mangled mess of a bitch!" I felt a sting on my fingers. It hurt so much that I feel like I'm going numb. "Fuck!" I feel the sting again and I teared up a bit from the pain.

I look down at my fingers and looked in horror. Those damn toothpicks were deep inside underneath my nails. It was red, and it looks like it'll pop off any second. Only two toothpicks were used. I look at her set and it had there were 18 more toothpicks left.

"You didn't answer nicely." She pushed it deeper once again, and I yelled from the pain. I look at her face with blurry eyes and she had a smirk on her face. She looked like a demon. I look at her in fright as she continued questioning me. Even if I had a good answer, or right answer, she still keeps stabbing me underneath my fingernails, until I was quiet. All of the toothpicks used on me. My blood dripping to the floor. I try to struggle, but it was no use. I don't have the strength to move.

"Look at your blood dripping on my floor. How am I going to clean that up, pig?" She punches me again in the face, but I was too numb to feel that, because all of the pain was coming from my fingers. "I guess you're not going to answer."

She grabs a hammer, and started mashing my fingers with it. I was screaming for my life, wanting everything to end. Why is this making me regret one decision in my life? Fuck, I'm so stupid. Now, I'm going to die. The woman was laughing hysterically, as she continued torturing my fingers.

"Now, let's see." She said while calming herself down. I was about to pass out when she puts lemon on my wound. I hiss in pain, as I screamed again.

"You can't sleep yet. The night isn't over for you and I." She says in a gleeful tone. She takes out a sack of liquid from a box, and put it down on her counter.

"See this? This contains cat urine, rat urine, rat feces, human blood, human feces, and last but not least, ground up human dick." From the moment I heard that, I felt disgusted. What is she planning to do with that? She pours some of it on my fingers and I yelled from pain. It was seeping through my wounds. This is much more painful that anything I've experienced before.

"Here's extra for you." She says and put something in my mouth. It felt like metal. Oh no! She's not planning to-

She pours the liquid into my mouth, and after she was done, I vomited. The woman was not impressed. "You made a mess on the floor again. You fucking bastard." She says as she punched my face more than five times. I felt like I was about to pass out. "I'll see you in three days. Try not to die." I hear, before I passed out.

To be continued...

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