Chapter V: The Day You Die

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I went to my bathroom and got some hydrochloric acid.

"No! Let me goooo!!!" I slapped her face as she cries.

"You're such a pain!" I yelled. I punched her face so hard that blood came out of her mouth. Some of her teeth coming off as well.

"Why are you so annoying? Why are you so ugly? What are you even?!!!" I yelled in a husky tone.

"I- was wrong with you! *Spit* Ugh! It Hurts!! My face!" She screamed in agony. She really is annoying. I want to end it fast.

I put down the hydrochloric acid on the bench.

"What do you want before you die?" I asked in the calmest tone. She was still on all fours and she looked like a fucked-up pig.

"I don wah anything from a monster wike yoh!" Her words are all gibberish, making it more annoying. Shouldn't have broken her jaw.

"Yeah, yeah, you slut," I said as I smacked her butt. Her ass is so ugly. Ugh.

I took a pencil sharpener from my toolbox and looked at her. I pulled her arm and sat on her. Keeping her from struggling because the only thing keeping her from escaping are chains.

"Wha u going to do?" She asked in her gibberish tone. I ignored her and got her pinky finger and put it in the sharpener. She started struggling when she felt what it was. I chuckled at her, still struggling even if she was about to die.

I started sharpening her finger, my smile from ear to ear. Seeing her skin peel off her finger. Her nails cracking, blood spurting, my eyes wanting more of the crimson color. She was screaming non-stop. Telling me, "No! No! Please, stop!" But still gibberish.

I stopped half-way. I smiled at the masterpiece. Her torn skin, seeing some of her bones sticking out. Well, what can I say? I have the sharpest things here in my bunker.

I kissed her finger and licked her blood. You would have been beautiful to me if you weren't so slutty and bitchy. I licked my lips and went to my shelf. Ohh... my eyes wondered on the butterfly knife on the wall. My father gave it to me when I was 10. To keep me safe.

I did a bunch of tricks and smiled. This is so fun. Spinning it around is so fun. I rotated it and threw it at her head. She dodged it which made me laugh. Wow, how talented.

I slowly walked towards her and grabbed her chin. I smiled and kissed her. I bit her bottom lip, causing it to bleed. Her blood, tasting like iron but makes me smile anyway.

I looked at the hydrochloric acid and grabbed it. I opened it swiftly and poured it on her hand. The one where I "sharpened" her pinky finger. She hissed and screamed in terror, realizing what was happening.

"Ah! No!!" She screams and struggled even more from the pain. Yes, keep struggling, you dumb bitch.

I licked my lips and grabbed my butterfly knife.

"I'm sorry, please let me live! I will not bother you anymore!" I scoffed at what she said. Not bother me anymore? Haha, funny.

"Even in your gibberish tone, I can understand you, and because of that, you're really annoying." I looked at her, coldly.

I swing the knife at her back, making a cut visible. A small, but deep cut.

I smiled and grabbed another condom from my pocket. I opened the packet and put the rubber on my cock. Her face was cute, crying like that. Even with a broken jaw. I smirked and went in her butthole again. She moans and I started thrusting deeply.

"You like this, don't you?" I said and chuckled.

"No! No! No! Let me go." She said and I smacked her ass.

"No one talks back at me, bitch." I spit on her back and thrust violently. She was sobbing, making my hunger grow. I smirked and brings the butterfly knife closer to her back.

"Nooooo!! Please forgive me! Please don't hurt me!!" I smiled and started peeling off her skin with my knife. Such smooth skin, this is. I could see the yellow fats coming off, as her skin slowly gets off her. She screamed in pain, wanting it to stop, but she knows we're not stopping. I cut the skin of her and she still fats underneath some of her fats. Heh, what a fatass.

"Look at all this fat! Wow, and everyone thought you were sexy." I mocked and thrust violently.

"Stop, please, I'm begging you." She sobbed. I touched her back and she winced in pain.

"You know, I expected, after such a thick layer I peeled from you. I expected to see red meat, but no. It wasn't red meat." I said with my sadistic tone. I actually slowed down my thrust when I was saying that.

I touched her clit, even though it was disgusting and thrust faster again. She moans and groans as I kept touching her clit.

"Tell me when you're cumming," I whispered and she didn't answer. I smiled at that and pulled her hair.

"This will be your last pleasure before you go to hell," I whispered to her ear and took out my penis from her asshole. I put it inside her pussy and I was not happy with it. It was kinda tight? Why? Is it because my cock is too big?

"Is my cock bigger than the ones you do it with before?" I asked in a teasing voice. She didn't answer and I smacked her ass hard.

"Answer me, bitch!" She cried and nods. Hmmm.... interesting.

I began thrusting in and out, getting a good angle to pleasure her. Don't get the wrong idea. I just want her to rest in peace. Besides, she didn't do anything extreme to me. She was just annoying. An annoying slut, she is.

I thrust harder and faster and she groans again. I grabbed her breast and played with them, making her moan.

I slapped harder than before and she yelped then moans. I smiled and felt her cunt tightening around me.

"Are you cumming?" I asked and she nods. I thrust deeper and faster, and she was a moaning mess. What a slut.

I began feeling my orgasm coming. I grabbed her hips and fucked her to oblivion. She yelps and groans and moans because of the pleasure. I got in deep and she squeezed so tightly that I came. Wow.

I took out my cock and panted. That was nice. I took off the condom and tied it. She was still a sobbing mess. I grabbed the hydrochloric acid and pour it on her back. She screams again. I smiled when I saw her red meat. Wow, nice glossy red. I shivered at the sight. Her screams of agony not stopping. So fun!

I grabbed her hair and made her look at me.

"Goodbye, Zoey," I said with a smile and sliced her throat. I smiled and cuts a piece of her and put it on a trophy stand. I put it in my case and put 'Zoey A. Mara'.

I took off the chains from her hands and took off the bench and put it on the side. I carried her and put her in the center. I go to the switch and flipped it open. The hellfire opening. I looked at her as she falls and burns at the bottom of my big ass incinerator.

"Thanks for the pleasure," I said, smiling and closed the hellfire. I go to the bathroom and took a shower.

~End of Flashback~

Yeah, that was a fun experience.

End of chapter V

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