Chapter III: The Torture

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Miyu grabbed 2 needles and lifted the shirt of the man exposing his chest and stomach.

She looked at his nipples and they were already pierced. Damn, oh well.

She inserted the needle in the middle of the man's right nipple that made the scream from the pain.

Miyu licked her lips as blood spurted on her face. She did it to the other nipple and the squirmed and moaned from the pain it sent him.

"You're more disgusting than I thought," Miyu said.

Sweat came pouring down the man's forehead. He didn't like this. He was the one who's supposed to be dominating the girl, not the other way around.

"Your getting punished, young man."

That was the thing he always says to his victim before molesting and burning them alive.

She looked at him with a smirk on her face. She then looked at the man's hand and stabbed it with the screwdriver.

The man screamed from the pain of his hand, hot tears flowing down his cheeks.

"You look good enough to kill." She said.

She grabs the pliers and puts his index finger in it. 

"I'll break your bones here. Don't worry, though. You'll be fine... I think."

With an evil laugh, she squeezed on the handle. Sounds of every bone cracking and scream crying. 

"Now, the thumb. Let's make it look... clean." With a chuckle, she puts the tip of the drill on top of the man's thumb. 

There was horror in the man's eyes. He closed his eyes tightly and Miyu pulled on the trigger and the drill spins wildly. In the process, the nail flew across the room and the man screamed his lungs out.

"Fuck you!" He cursed.

"See? I cleaned it. Thoroughly. If I can even call it that." She smiled.

Jerald glared at her. Cheeks stained with tears.

"I'm going to get more tools."

The man struggled to be free but he can't escape. The chains were locked tight around his wrist and legs.

Miyu takes a hammer and a knife. She goes back to her victim, her prey and smiled at him.

He was terrified to see what 'toy' she was holding. He gulped and wanted to just run away from this monster.

She holds his middle finger and without hesitation, she slammed the hammer on the man's middle finger.

He screamed as pain flood his vision. He looks at his hand. His finger was broken and not straight anymore.

"Was that the finger you used inside a kid you molested? Disgusting as fuck." 

He nodded and was filled with shame. She smirked and cuts off the pinky finger with the knife. He cried again.

"Why are you so cliche as fuck? You already know you can't escape, why scream? You're so boring." Said the young girl.

"Oh well. I'll be taking my trophy." She said and cuts off Jerald's hand. His face was full of pain.

She was just cutting half way. His face showed pain and agony. She smiled and the man was not clearly happy. Who would be in this situation? You? No. Okay.

"I'll make you suffer." He was really suffering. Now the hand was off and she was happy. She hummed, gleefully.

She puts it in a stand and writes his name. She puts in the shelf and came back towards him.

"Say hi to Satan and your friend for me." she smiled. She pushed a button that reveals a fire pit. 

Why is there something like that in a bunker you asked? She needs to get rid of evidence and things. The body as well. But now, because I have no idea as well. Maybe his cousin is a genius and maybe because they are rich and... okay back to the story.

She pushed the chair into the pit and a crack was heard. What part of his body was broken?

"AAAAAARRRGGGHH!!!" The man screamed, agonizingly.

How was he still alive? Oh well. At least he suffers. She closed the pit and she felt dirty so she took a bath and ate then slept.

She smiled before she goes to slumber. How pitiful humans are, huh? 

To be continued...

End of Chapter III...

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