You just had to fuck it up... didnt you?

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Now on the surface you finally get a good look at what your dealing with. It's an 8ft man with paper white and thin skin who literally looks like he is just skin and bones. It's jaw is dislocated and open a foot wide and it's face is stained with tears. As you take a step towards it it vanishes and before you know what's going on, it's behind you backhanding you almost 40ft and then sprinting up to you and begins to stomp you into the ground. On its third stomp you reach up and rip his ankle out of its socket. It looks at you in confusion, then proceeds to punch and claw you into the ground.
You decide you have had enough and punch it square in the skull, but it doesn't even flinch. At this point you are concerned because it is starting to tear off your armor. You blast it in the chest with the ballista and all that is left is it's ribs, but it keeps attacking like nothing happened.
Doom slayer: "Vega, I need berserk right now"
Vega: "affirmative"
And a surge of argent energy surges through you as you bounce to your feet and punch the living hell out of it.
You hear a crack and see you put a crack in its skull. Before you deliver the final blow, an alarm starts blaring and the intercom alerts that chaos insurgency are attacking. You look down again to see shyguy balled up crying again and then get flung into the air as it springs up and mauls a sniper in a bush.
As soon as you land your hit by an electric net and swarmed by guys in all black. They try to take you down but you kinda just throw them off and jump back town the massive hole.
Back in the facility you hear loads of gunfire as you round the corner to your containment area their is a massive gunfight going on outside your door. You don't really care and pull out the mini gun and mow everyone down guards, scientists, chaos insurgence. It didn't matter who just that you killed them all to shut them the FUCK up. You walk into your chamber and lay down on your bed, give doom mini a fist bump, and go to sleep to the lovely sounds of death and gunfire everywhere.

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