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The next morning, Marinette awoke to her mom calling her down for something that seemed to be important. She stirred awake, glanced at the time, and rubbed her eyes to see if she read it correctly. The clock read eleven o' clock, setting a new record for the latest time she's slept in.

She rushed downstairs, still in her pajamas, tripping on the last step, and practically nailing her face into the floor. It took her a few seconds, but Marinette recovered, slowly standing up, and meeting eye contact her mom, who just shook her head.

"Jeez, you slept in until eleven and now you tripped over the last step of the stairs?" Her father, Tom, shook his head also. "You're more than just clumsy today, especially barely being five minutes out of bed."

Marinette rubbed her eyes and yawned. "I'm sorry Papa, I guess you could say I didn't sleep too well last night," she said, changing her tone to be more apologetic.

"Oh sweetie, you must have heard of the burglary last night," her mom also changed her tone, but except it was to be more nurturing and sympathetic towards Marinette's lack of sleep.

"Burglary?!" That comment definitely woke the bluenette up, her eyes suddenly looking bloodshot.

"Yeah, they were telling me about it when I got here this morning." She heard an unfamiliar voice say, turning around to find that her crush was standing next to the checkout counter, munching on a cookie.

"A-Adrien?!" She was more shocked than she was before. Marinette felt like she was gonna faint if surprises like this kept popping up.

"You said my name alright," he cheekily smiled, but went back onto the serious topic. "Anyhow, Mari, do you want me to tell you about what they told me in regards to last night?"

Marinette's eyes were still widened with shock, but she quickly snapped out of it. "Y-Yeah, sure. J-Just tell me why you're here afterwards," she felt utterly embarrassed, her face flushing rosy colors, due to the fact that he's seeing her in her pajamas at the moment.

"Well, basically your parents think it was a stealthy cookie robbery," he started off, pushing a couple of strands of loose blond hair to the side. "Although it wasn't so stealthy because they found a bunch of glass on the floor, they found dozens of cookies missing."

Marinette felt the color draining from her face. That stupid cat! It wasn't a robbery, my sweet, amazing, Adrien.. it was that dumb cat! If he didn't spill the cookies, none of this would be happening— her thoughts were interrupted by Adrien's voice.

"Mari, are you still listening?" He asked, in a concerned tone this time. She slowly nodded, fading back into reality.

"Okay, good. In a nutshell, it was a failed attempt at a potential bakery robbery. Whoever the theft was didn't do a fantastic job and thank the heavens for that." Adrien finished, eating the last bit of his cookie.

"That thief is totally dumb," Marinette commented, trying to relate with what he said. She walked over to the cookie container and helped herself to a cookie also.

She looked back at Adrien and he was still smiling cheekily, like he knew something nobody else did. She looked away from him and bit into her cookie, ignoring his story. I know it was Chat who knocked over the cookies, but there's no way Adrien would know about that.

She snapped out of her thoughts, assuming she was just overthinking, and that it was nothing to worry about. Adrien interrupted the silence by getting up from his seat and throwing away the bag he had purchased his cookies with.

"It was nice catching up with you, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng," he said, giving them a warm smile as he was about to walk out the door.

Marinette's parents waved to the model and lastly, he turned to face Marinette, saying, "Oh, don't worry too much about the obliged burglary."

After that being said, he closed the door. Apparently her parents didn't think too much of his last sentence, but maybe it was because it was directed to her. Marinette knew it was a strange sentence, coming from Adrien at least, but she didn't want to think much about it, considering that it was probably just a thought he had accidentally spilled out.

She was tempted to ask Alya about the situation, but she ended up forgetting about it later anyways, as she was indulged in Adrien Agreste pictures. Marinette passed out without realizing it in the mid-afternoon, waking up at exactly two o' clock again.

She subconsciously looked around for Chat, but all she saw were the stars shimmering in the night. She rubbed her eyes and went on her computer to entertain herself, but right when that happened, a particular feline dropped in, landing on her bed.

Marinette turned around to face the cat. "Well, well, well, look at what the night decided to drag in."

It was Chat's turn to roll his eyes. "Haha, very funny." He sat himself on her comforter again. "So, I've been hearing about a "cookie burglary"?"

The bluenette sighed, facepalming, but then proceeding to drag her hands down her face dramatically. "Ugh, yeah.. since my parents didn't know you were the one to break one of the cookie containers, they think a theft stole some of the cookies."

"That's a catastrophe!" He exclaimed, putting emphasis on the "cat" part of catastrophe. Marinette shot him a glare and he apologized, telling her to continue.

"Anyways," she paused, taking a deep breath. "SoIwokeupreallylatethismorningandItrippeddownthestairsinmypajamasandsawmycrushandhisnameisAdrienAgresteandIwassoembarrassedandmyparentstoldhimaboutthestupidrobberycausedbyyou—"

"Woah, woah, woah," Chat said, putting both of his hands on her shoulders, attempting to reassure her. "Tell me the story, but this time, slower."

"Just forget it, Chat." She shook her head and rested her head on one of the palms of her hands. "Today wasn't a very good day, that's all. I'm sorry to say it, but last night made today an awful day."

The male hero felt hurt, but he completely understood. "I'm sorry, Princess. I had fun with you last night, but I didn't mean to make today horrible for you."

She looked up at him with a sad smile. "At least your apology is genuine." A few seconds of silence followed shortly after that, but Chat interrupted that silence by quickly standing up.

"Mari, I'll tell you what." He cleared his throat to get her full attention. "I'll take you on a date to make up for it."

She stared at him in shock. "Y-You don't have to, Chaton—" He interrupted her and with a more determined voice, he said, "Nope. I'm adamant and I would love to make it up to you."

Marinette smiled brightly at him, getting up from her spot, and hugging him tightly. "Thank you, you really don't have to do this for me."

"Remember what I said last night, Princess?" He asked and she shook her head again.

"Well, I'm in your debt, Mari."

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