Luke looked at you through the rear-view mirror, nodding. "Yeah, sure. Does the one on Main sound good?"

You glared at him. He knew that you hated that drugstore. You had once gone in for a flu shot, and they ended up giving you three more unnecessary shots. Even after that, you ended up catching the flu. You refused to ever go back to that store, terrified of that pharmacist.

"No. Go to the one on John."

"John Street is on the other side of the intersection," Luke whined.

You raised an eyebrow. "I think Anna is still interning there, so I'll go talk to her about whatever's happening."

"I thought Anna went to England with you," Luke said, turning into the drugstore parking lot.

You shook your head. "She backed out last minute."

You remembered that first year that you moved to London, when you had to find a roommate within a month or you'd risk your entire exchange trip. Which is when you had met Asa, who was looking for a place to stay as well.


You unlocked the car door and stepped out into the cold Canadian winter that you had been spared from the last couple of months. Asa stepped out as well, the door closing behind him cutting through the otherwise quiet parking lot.

You both quickly went inside, thankful when the warm air hit your frozen face. You smiled as you caught sight of your friend on the other end of the store.

"Hey Annie," you said, walking up to the counter.

Her face lit up when she looked up.

"Y/n!" she exclaimed, reaching over the counter to hug you, but to no avail.

She walked around the counter before pulling you into a tight hug.

"When did you get here?" she asked, excitedly.

"About an hour ago. I'm visiting for the holidays," you explained.

"Did you bring the boyfriend?" she asked, quietly.

You turned around, pointing over to Asa who was looking through a collection of greeting cards on a rack.

Anna's eyes widened. "Damn y/n! He's gorgeous."

You figured that Asa had heard you two as he looked over at you, giving you both a smile before walking over. His arms wrapped around you in a hug as Anna gushed beside you.

"Did you just come here to see me?" she asked, walking back behind the counter.

"Y/n has been pretty sick all afternoon. Do you have anything for her?" Asa said, giving her the signature smile that always drew you to him.

Anna nodded, reaching underneath the counter.

"Are you pregnant?"

The question made the colour drain from your face, almost immediately.

"She isn't," Asa said, before you could answer.

Anna took one look at you and she nodded. You knew that she knew; your face gave it away. Thankfully, Asa was behind you and was unable to see your face.

"Here you go," she said, pushing a light blue bottle towards you. "This should help. Check in with my mom if nothing clears up."

You smiled, handing her a twenty-dollar bill. "Thanks."

"How long are you in town?" she asked, putting the money into the cash register.

"About a week," you answered.

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