Connections (Part 3)

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It's been two months since the Toronto campaign ended. I'd kept close with Ella, and gotten into a few playful Twitter fights with Finlay, but I'd never heard from Asa. A part of me was thankful that he didn't try to contact me after. It would've made me feel worse that I threw away a friendship like that.

Finals were over, and the summer break was in. I was working as an intern at an advertising firm for a couple of weeks to help with my resume.

"Hey Anaïs, what's up?" the manager of my section, Chris, came by every so often to check up on the interns, to make sure we weren't getting too overworked.

"I just finished the sketch for that new DMV up the street. I'll give it to Helen when I'm done," I responded, typing away at my computer.

"That's what I like to hear," he said, happily walking away. I sighed.

I loved the internship, but it took a lot out of me. I haven't had a real break for over two months. I jumped straight into the internship after finals week. But, thankfully, the internship was over today, so I had about one week of real vacation before school started again.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I reached inside to get it.

To: Anaïs

From: Ella

Check your mail when you get home!

I raised an eyebrow, putting my phone down on the desk. Ella was full of surprises, she really was. She kept me up to date with the campaigning schedules and was often ranting about the boring questions that they would often get.

It seemed like days until the work day ended. When Chris came around to tell us that our final shift was over, I quickly packed my bag and headed out. It was a Friday night, but all I wanted to do was sleep. I was finally free of work, and I wanted to just be able to relax. It was rush hour, so trains were slow and buses were packed to the very brim. It seemed like an eternity to get home, but I finally did. Stepping inside the house, the strong smell of congee and oyster sauce took over. It was good to be home.

Sitting at my desk, I ran over a couple of old designs for some old projects, sipping on a warm cup of tea. My final project for this year stared me in the face. It was for Miss Peregrine's. After the photoshoots, I drew inspiration from the photos of Asa and Ella, and they just kind of worked well together. Looking at it, I shook my head. I liked Asa, I liked him more than the average person. Maybe because he was kind of nice, and funny, and just overall friendly. I wish I wasn't so awkward about it all.

A knock at my door pulled me away from my own thoughts for a moment.

"Come in!" I exclaimed, closing the computer.

"Hun, there's some mail for you," my mother said, shuffling through a collection of envelopes and handing me a few.

"Thanks Ma," I said, rifling through them.

There were some letters from the bank, followed by one in a golden envelope. Looking at the return address, it made a bit more sense. It was from Ella.

Opening the letter inside, I began to read.

Dear Anaïs,

It's been so long since I've seen you, and I miss you so much! I'm back in London since the Miss Peregrine's publicity stuff has kind of stopped for a little bit. Since you have the next two weeks off, I thought I would do something special for you. I know we talked about it earlier, but you can finally come to London. You can stay with me for the week and we can spend all our time together! The boarding pass is below! See you soon!

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