The French Mistake

Start from the beginning

"Yes! Blood of lamb." He exclaims holding out a jar.

"Uh, why are you talking about the God Father?" Sam asks

"We're in it now." Balthazar said now suddenly back near the desk. "Right now, tonight."

Darcey shared a look with Dean. "And in the roll of Michael Corleone, the archangel Raphael." He said pouring the lamb blood into the bowl.

"Uh, you mind telling us what you mean?" Dean asks

"No, no, no, no.." Balthazar started saying as he looks through the desk drawer. Darcey jumped at the sounds of things clattering together as he Emptied it onto the chair.
Her ears being some how more sensitive to loud sounds lately. She didn't know why.

"Yes." Balthazar then said as he held up a small bag. "Bone of Lesser saint. This vertebrae will do very nicely. Your Mr. Singer keeps a very nice pantry." 

"Wait, so Raphael is after you?" Dean asked

"Oh, he's after all of us." He answers opening the bag. "You see, he's consolidated his strength and is now on the move."

"And where is Cass?" Sam said

"Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground." He said mixing the stuff in the bowl all together and walked over to the window. "So good old Raphei put out a hit list... on every Samaritan who helped out dear Cass, including the three of you.  And so much more importantly, me."  He laughs and coughs
"See, he wants to put Cass out in the open."

"So you expect us to believe you?" Sam asked

"Oh, don't. You'll go where I throw you. Either way." Balthazar said

"What's that suppose to mean?" Dean and Darcey say in unison as he drew a symbol on the glass with the mixture.

"Well, and that's all the time we have Gentlemen and lady." Balthazar says as the lights flicker around them. He walked over to the three. "Now, where is it." He says and opens his cote, reveling a blood stain on his side.

"Whoa..." Dean says "what's happened there?"

"Oh, garish, I know. You see, uncle Raphael sent one of his nastiest to handle me. I'm flattered, actually. And down a lung, at the moment. But, that's alright." He says as the keys dangle in his hands. He then hands then to Sam. "Here, for you." He said

"And what am I supposed to do with it?" Sam asked as he held up the keys.

"Run with it." He says

He then suddenly is thrown to the ground and hits the book shelve.

"Virgil." Balthazar said to the man that came through the kitchen.

"I said run." Balthazar shouts to them. He moved his hand and the siblings were thrown into the window, only to land on something soft.

"Cut!" A voice shouts followed by claps

Darcey looked up and found her and her siblings laying in front of cameras and random people.

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