Exile on Main St.

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( Grayson is 13 F.Y.I )(or 14..not sure anymore. )

Grayson P

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Grayson P.O.V


The boy couldn't hear anything that was going on outside. He could see everyone he knew. He could see his Uncle Sam and Dean, he could see his mom, he could see his angel friend Castiel standing beside who Grayson Guessed would be his third half uncle...if that was right.

He watched as they yelled or talked to each other, it was like watching a silent movie. Though, her heard when his uncle's head smashed into the car window. He jumped back with shock as it do so.

He could see Grandpa Bobby tumble to the ground, Grayson really hated not knowing what was going on.

Especially when his Uncle Sam, or, what was in Uncle Sam turned and snapped his fingers, making his mother disappear right in front of his eyes.

It wasn't until the big hole in the ground did Grayson get out of the car, though, Dean stopped the boy, preventing him form also falling in...

He screamed though. He screamed for his uncle and for Castiel, for Bobby, for anyone to tell him where his mother went. He got no answer.

Just Dean trying the best he could to calm the Hysteric boy down, it was much harder in the state he was currently in. His eyes could barely open.

It wasn't until the man in the trench coat appeared.
He slowly placed his two fingers on Dean's forehead and healed his beaten face.
As the angel went over to Bobby, Dean was now properly able to hug his crying nephew.



"Gray, Hey, you're okay." The boy's uneven breaths come out fast as he looks around his surroundings. The bed, the closet door, the window with blue curtains.

"Grayson?" Looking up, the young boy reaches the familiar eyes of his uncle's.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast." He said patting him on his shoulder. He stood up and walked out the door.

Grayson let out a heavy sigh he slowly got up and got dressed and headed down the stairs.

He sent a kind smile to Lisa and a wave to Ben as he sat beside him. He helped get the plates and forks and waited for Dean to plate the eggs.

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