The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

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(Just because Queen is one of Darcey's favorite bands :) (and mine :)


Flashback/Dream turned nightmare?

A young Darcey Winchester is sitting with a toddler Sam.
They sat on the motel carpeted floor, a small blanket cover where they sat.
Small toys linger around. Sam grabs a rubber ball one, where beads move around on the twisted parts.
Dean sits at the bed, reading a book of some sort. The room was quiet, minus the small sounds Sam made once in a while.  Darcey let out a giggle when Sam threw said toy, she got up to go get it when there was a knock at the door. Dean not looking up from his book, Darcey sighed and went to twist the gold colored knob.
Once she did, she backed up when she didn't recognize the person at the door, but yet, she couldn't help but think that she did.
The man gave her a sinister smile and  raised his arm up, a small pistol was trapped in his hand, a finger not leaving the trigger.
Darcey's eyes widen, when he shotots once, she let out a desperate cry for him to stop, but when he shoots twice, and the whole room busts into flames, her blood curdling scream is what wakes her.....


"Darcey!" A voice worriedly calls out as they shake her shoulders.
The Winchester girl breaths heavily awake, her forehead sweats an unusual amount, even for her; she looked around her surroundings, the Impala, she looked down, her pencil skirt and blazer on, black flats hug her feet as they now dangle from the seat she is rested up against.
"Darcey." The voice calls, this time softer and calmer. A pair of worried eyes meet her confused ones.

Darcey blinks, tears, or sweat fall down her face at a rapid pace.
"D,?" He says this time, it came out like a question, her nickname; asking if she was all there, asking if she could hear him.

"Yeah—" she breathed out. She lifted her arm and rubbed the back of her neck, she moved her mess of hair to one side of her shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked, a direct question, he still wat he shed with his eyes that matched hers.

"I—I'm fine. Just a bad dream." She says, an easy lie that would probably get by Sam, but not Dean, he knew better.

"Just a bad dream, huh?" He says raising his eye brow. The position Dean was in was probably going to mess with his neck because he kept looking back at her so Much.

She let out a sigh, one laced with tiredness and annoyance. She took the elastic that always stayed on her right wrist and began to put her hair up into a professional bun.

"D, you were screaming. Like bloody murder screaming." Dean says.

Darcey flashed back to her nightmare, 'it was a bloody murder...' she thinks to her self.

"Dean, I-I'm okay. I swear. Now, are we going in or what?" She says, her voice shook with every other word, but she ignored it and gets her badge out and placed it into her pocket.

Dean turned to Sam, who sat quietly in the front, he's never really seen his sister like this, not for a while.

Dean let out a sigh and the brothers grabbed their things and headed out the car.


Darcey, Sam, and Dean held up their badges, the women looked at the totally unconvinced.
"You expect me to believe you're CDC?" She asked looking at them suspiciously.

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