Starkiller Base

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I walked besides Finn heading towards the millennium falcon. He held a large gun in his hands. He nodded walking passed Poe. I smiled to him as I kept walking away. I gasped out when I felt him snag my arm and spin me back into his arms. Before I could ask what he was doing he planted his lips on mine and kissed me with passion. My eyes widened in shock before I gave in. He smiled into the kiss while he tipped me backwards. He was obviously experienced by the way his tongue fought against mine. He pulled back and smirked down while standing me back up.

"Just in case one of us doesn't return." He smirked. I was still shocked and felt kinda jittery.

"Real funny, flyboy." Han hissed as he snagged my arm and dragged me away. I couldn't feel my legs, and I didn't know why.

"You're not allowed to talk to boys." Han parented. Even though I was in my early twenties. But still that was my first kiss. KT rolled behind us while he still pulled me. I looked back to see Poe still smirking at me. My heart was beating extremely fast, I had never felt anything like this before in my life. Was this love? Wait, no. Too soon.

"On the ship, Cupid" Han ordered as if I wasn't a force using, lightsaber wielding Jedi. That could easily over power him, I listened anyway. I stood in the doorway watching with a smile as leia and Han spoke. Each one smiling. I always thought they were the happiest when they were together. My heart went out as he embraced her in a hug. Han laid his hand on the back of her head with his chin resting upon it. I sat behind Han while Chewie sat in the front with Finn behind him. 

"How are we getting in?" Finn asked while he flew through hyper speed.

"Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through." Han shrugged as if it was no big deal. Which to him, it wasn't.

"We're making our landing approach at lightspeed?" Finn cried out in disbelief. Chewie roared, saying yes.

"Chewie, get ready. And... now!" Han shouted pulling us out of lightspeed and into the direction of a mountain. Han pulled up as tight as he could. He jerked forwards as the ship crashed into the trees. The ship crashed into the ground and skidded along the snow. I sighed when it stopped along an edge.

"Easy landing." Han laughed. I wore a large jacket and as we ran through the snow. I sensed Kylo, and I knew he sensed me. And most likely Han as well.

"The flooding tunnel is over that ridge. We'll get in they way." Finn nodded pointing to the tunnel.

"What was you job when you were based here?" Han asked out of curiosity.

"Sanitation." Finn answered. Han grabbed Finn by the jacket and pulled him back.

"Sanitation? Then how do you know how to disable the shields?" Han barked.

"I don't. I'm just here to get Rey." Finn replied.

"They are counting on us. The galaxy is counting on us." Han cried out.

"Solo, we'll figure it out. We'll use the Force." Finn smiled happily like a little puppy. I laughed at the ironicness of the situation.

"That's not how the force works!" Han hissed as if Finn was stupid.

"He's right." I nodded towards Han. Chewie growled out feeling cold.

"Oh, really? You're cold?" Han scuffed to his best friend.

"Come on." Finn encouraged, running towards the base. We entered the bass and went up the elevator. We followed Finn through the base. We hide behind a door as a trooper, wearing a silver shinny suit walked by. Chewie punched her in the name and knocked her down.

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