chapter 30

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Khalid's pov

"So what good news do you have for me Richard" i asked curtly as i sat in the lobby of the hotel he was staying

"Well Mr Ali i would like to inform you that my men along side the Italian police have found where their warehouse is" he explained

"Okay so what do we have to do" i inquired

"We have actually contacted one of the men in return for a lot of mo-"

We were suddenly interrupted by a call

"Sir we can't find madam anywhere please come right away" the bodyguard yelled over the phone

Anisa is missing, how come?

"We will talk soon" i said urgently picking my phone and car keys heading out of the hotel



How come, what are my paying you for then?" i asked angrily to the bodyguards

"Sir we don't know how she disappeared" one of the bodyguards said showing a confused expression

"Okay let's go to the surveillance room to check any suspicious behavior" i said leading them there as we walk swiftly towards the elevator

"Ya Allah keep Anisa safe for me" i silently prayed

"Please i want to report the disappearance of my wife" i said to the head of police officers in italy

"There" i said pointing to the camera placed at the underground parking space

We saw a masked man holding someone in a bag

That was definitely Anisa

It seems she was unconscious

We traced the person to his car and we found out his plate number was covered

"Wait, how come he could get to the parking space if we didn't see him in the hotel lobby or any of the elevators" i asked with confused laced in my tone

"Maybe we can go to the room Anisa was last seen" the police officer suggested

"Okay" i replied nodding in agreement leading them back to the suite

The investigators were now looking for clues around the whole suite

This is what i was exactly trying  to avoid

I'm such a useless husband who can't even protect his wife

When we entered the room Anisa was

We saw a basket full of snacks
A piece of cake on the floor
Her ipod and headphones

I was busy looking around when i tripped on something making my hand touch a button

And there it was the break through we've been looking for

The button was an opening to another hidden elevator

I'm sure this is out the guy got out of the hotel with Anisa

Don't worry Anisa we are coming to get you and your father

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