Chapter 1

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I DO NOT own any of TVD, TO or any of the chatarcters.                                                                                       ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Carolines POV:

I have been racking my brains all night looking for this stupid spell so that vampires can go back to mystic falls again, but do you think that I am even close to finding it. Now that I'm not in college any more all I ever do these days is hanging out with my mom, looking for this damn spell and occasional stress cleaning. I wish Bonnie were here the this whole situation would be so much better, I might even still be in college, now my life is lacking serious purpose. Not to mention that  I am exhausted, but when I see the time I get why, it's three am. God I wish this grimwore would just pop up already, I have only got one more moving box to go through and then I'm done, I am so sure that Bonnie left her first grimwore with me and it has to have something in it right? I tip the whole box upside down just to get it over and done with and I find nothing but the continents of my underwear drawer, perfect, wow I really didn't care about labelling my things in this move. Since I dropped out of Whitmore and well I cant actually get into mystic falls I bought my own little place just outside of Mystic falls, it's nice but it's not home. Well at least i found where my underwear was hiding. I decided that now is as good a time as any to sort out all my clothes, I have been living out of a suit case for far to long, as I started folding perfectly I noticed a piece of paper sticking  out from underneath a pile of socks, i picked it up only to find the drawing that I had completely forgotten about after I stuffed it in my drawer the night Tyler stormed out after he found it. 

I had forgotten how beautiful it is and how much I loved it, I wonder what Klaus is doing now, probably tearing someones heart out

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I had forgotten how beautiful it is and how much I loved it, I wonder what Klaus is doing now, probably tearing someones heart out. Where ever he is I hope he's happy, I want to know if he still thinks of me. *Oh my God no, bad bad Caroline he's totally moved on by now *. I'm snapped out of my thoughts suddenly when the door bell rings, "what the hell, its three in the morning who would be out this late? its a serial killer isn't in, well i dare hime to come at me because tonight I am not in the mood". I walk to my front door and open only to find the last person I'd ever expect to be at my door step at three in morning.

"Hey Caroline."

A/N: And there you have it chapter one done and dusted tell me what you think and be honest. let me know if you have any ideas on where you would like this to go. Thank you so much for reading my story and being so supportive remember to vote.

Love you all dearly,

I Had Plans (Klaroline)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن