Ch 7 A Decision Granted

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Crap.

Ruby: What?

Y/N: Remember the story? Well I held hope that the establishment would close down. If my assumptions are correct the cameras do have facial recognition and-

Security guard: Halt!

The guards began to surround the two of you while you stood your ground.

Ruby: Y/-

Y/N: Don't worry red I will take care of this so if you will don't talk. (to the guards) Now what is the meaning of this?

Security Guard 2: Does this footage remind you?

The security guard pulled out a scroll shows you running away from the establishment's security guards. That day you punched that one Schnee.

Y/N: Can't say it does. Though would you happen to have the other part? Now if you were to calmly let us go-

Security guard 4: Freeze! (points gun)

Y/N: I have done nothing to provoke you but poor choice of words

At that moment Y/N created two layers of an ice shield around Ruby and him. The guards began firing.

Ruby: They're shooting! Why?!

Y/N: I know. We are kids.

Y/N moves his hands outwards thrusting out the first layer of the shield to stun the guards while the second stayed in case there was the stray bullet.

Y/N: When I let down the second shields you run red.

He then made the second layers of shields hit the already stunned guards. Ruby started to run with Y/N shooting ice at any camera he saw while making the ice disappear ensuring there was less of a trace. Running through a forest for awhile you stopped.

Y/N: I think we lost them.

Ruby: Why did you call me red?

Y/N: Odd question to first ask but I did that as it would be bad if they knew your name. I mean there is no other Ruby Rose with eyes that are silver.

Ruby: I guess but somebody bad would call me little red.

Y/N: We can words new meanings. Besides I only said red and not little red.

Ruby: Yeah but please don't put little. Wait... it's dark (checks scroll) and we missed the bullhead.

Y/N: Looks like we will have to trek our way back.

Ruby: Ahh. Well since you call me red I will call you frost.

Y/N: I can live with that.

Walking for awhile you both realized that you were lost.

Y/N: We are officially lost. (checks pockets) Also it seems like I don't have my scroll. No wonder why my pockets felt lighter.

Ruby: Like you lost it?

Y/N: I'm sure Silver got to it. He may want to use it to offset his losses.

Ruby: Won't it be obvious?

Y/N: Well he is competitive.

While Ruby was inputting Beacon's location on her scroll you heard the distinct sound of a boarbatusk charging.

Ruby: I think we might've went to far in the forest.

Y/N: This is why I didn't want to make use of my semblance in the fight because...

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