Ch 3 New Year but Same Material

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Waking up to the sound of your scroll's alarm you look only to see Silver and Tanner gone.

Y/N: This better not be Silver's doing.

Y/N doing his morning routine with the only difference of his school uniform being that he kept gloves and the battle belt. Going out the door he tries to contact his team for them to not answer.

Glynda: (via comm) All students report is to the auditorium. Attendance is mandatory.

Suddenly Team RWBY's door burst open as three members rush out only to stop seeing you in the hallway.

Blake: Where is your teammates?

Y/N: That I do not know. My assumption is that Silver may have something to do with it.

Weiss: Of course it would be.

Y/N: That is Silver for you but I would not have it any other way.

Ruby: The assembly.

Y/N: Right. Wait. Where might Yang be?

Blake: She sees no reason in going. Plans on sleeping until class.

Y/N: Oh. Anyhow we have an assembly to go to if I am not mistaken.

After a quick nod they went to the auditorium. Though by the time they all arrive most of the students were already there. This force them to the back of the crowd who was all talking.

Ruby: I think we might be late.

Weiss: Was it the crowd that showed you?

Blake: Then where is Ozpin?

At that moment Ozpin appears with Glynda. As soon as they appear the crowd grew silent.

Ozpin: I will be with you but it appears there may be a slight technical problem.

Ozpin leaves with the students resuming the talking of theirs.

Ruby: (jumping) Hmpf. I can't see over the crowd. Blake?

Blake: No Ruby.

Ruby: Why not. Yang isn't here.

Y/N: What is happening?

Blake: Yang would help Ruby in these types of situations by putting her on her shoulders. Weiss?

Weiss: Can you do something about it Y/N?

Y/N: I see no reason not to. What is your say on the matter Ruby?

Ruby: Okay.

Y/N: What do I do?

Blake: Just do what Yang would do.

Y/N kneeled down with Ruby climbing to go on his shoulders. Some students did a glance to see what was going on but returned to their talking. Then Ozpin arrived once more.

Ozpin: Now I am certain that you all may be wondering why were you all called for this. There is two reasons in particular with one of them being an unforeseen factor.

The crowd remained silent with a few coughs that broke it. Ruby was content that she was able to see what was happening.

Ozpin: An individual has been stealing all of the coffee beans. I expect them to be return at once. You shall not be punished if you do and we know who the culprit is.

You hear a person behind you saying "crap." Glynda being unaware of this was not happy about how Ozpin handled it.

Ozpin: As for the second part recently one of our teams have returned yesterday and as per tradition we introduce them. This is quite the dilemma as they have been frozen for quite a number of years so welcome Team SHDE.

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