Ch 5 Returning and Weapon Repairs

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The next day Team RWBY along with Silver and Tanner went to search for Blake and Y/N. Tanner tried to be the voice of reason and say not to worry as Y/N is still giving updates but they decided anyways. You were sitting with Blake drinking coffee.

Y/N: May I make the confirmation that you are indeed a Faunus?

Blake: (puts cup down) Fine.

Y/N: Good. I have a thing or two that I wish to tell to the team. More specifically Weiss.

Back with the the team Tanner stops them as he says he is getting messages from Y/N. He took one glance at it before deciding to just narrow it down.

Tanner: To sum up what Y/N said Blake is in fact a Faunus. This is for you Weiss.

Weiss: What now?

Tanner: That you better make up with her as there needs to be integrity in the team.

Ruby: Weiss!

Yang: Our team barley formed and you are already breaking it.

Tanner: Wait. He also says that you cannot classify all Faunus negatively. Y/N says think of it this way. That Blake's whole life was one  of fighting for equality and she joined them as a means to gain them. Despite radicalization they don't represent them all.

Weiss: I-

Silver: Wait. There is more.

Tanner: What you did was put an image that supposedly represents them despite it being a small minority as is the case with humans. Now think of how it made Blake feel and the way it would of made you fell.

Silver: (peaks at the scroll) That was it.

Weiss knew how Y/N was right as that it was the whole reasoning for her being a huntress.

Weiss: Tanner, call Y/N.

Tanner: (gives scroll) You can try.

Y/N: (via scroll) Hello.

Weiss: (via scroll) Y/N, put Blake on.

Y/N: (via scroll) As a precaution I have to ask one simple question. For these past 12 hours have you thought about your actions?

Weiss: (via scroll) Yes.

Y/N: Blake, now is the time to make up with your teammate. You can't be throwing your whole plan away for a fight now can you?

Y/N gave the scroll and just waited for it to all end. Enjoying the last of his drink Blake ends the call handing the scroll back.

Y/N: Now before we leave I have to say that I must take a picture. I must remember the cafe for later.

Blake gave a nod with you walking back to try to get a good view of the shop. Going near the warehouse you step on some of boxes, taking the picture. You look back only to see what is White Fang grunts.

Y/N: (thoughts) Yeah, no. Can't risk anything with civilians nearby. Besides I did walk in the night so no sleep.

After Y/N felt that he justified the approach he spotted a phone booth nearby to make a call to Vale's police. He did not want the risk of his scroll getting trace to him. Obviously Blake would not be happy by this revelation which factored to his decision. With the tip sent Y/N went back to Blake which she said how they are meeting with the teams.

Blake: Why did I see you in a phone booth anyways?

Y/N: Why I did so under the reasoning that the scroll has had its battery go out. Luckily I managed to take the photo.

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