"It's not that I want you to stop,
I'm just worried about how this is all
going to progress in the future.."


"I think you're just thinking about it too hard."


"Wouldn't be the first time
someone's told me that."


"I bet."






"Listen. I don't know what you're afraid of
or who you're trying to protect but I swear
I'm not going into this with ill intentions.
I mean who knows if we'll even be talking
by the time quarantine is over. I hope we are
because... I like talking to you, but we don't
know the future and we never will. So the
best we can do is what feels right in the
moment and right now, talking to you is
what feels best for me."


"Y-You're right, Zayn. I just can't shut off
the thoughts in my brain sometimes..."


"Well... why don't you just tell me
what your brain is thinking?"


"Just say what's on my mind, huh?"


"Yup. Daddy knows best."




"Sorry. Sorry. Not the right time.
I know. Just tell me what's going
on in that sexy brain right now."


"Well...  I'm scared because of the way
I feel when I talk to you. And I'm scared
because I haven't felt that way towards
anyone in a really long time..."


"But it-"


"Hold on. I just need to get everything
out before I lose the courage."


"Okay, Harry."


"Thanks... I'm also scared because
there are people I need to protect
and they mean more to me than
my life on this planet. And I think
that we're both at very different places
and you're not exactly prepared for what
you would get if you were with me.
That's why I'm scared to get involved."

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