Sanemi Shinazugawa

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It was usual to see little Sanemi taking care of little Y/N. The two of them met when Sanemi went to buy something for his siblings and mother to help her, it just happen that Y/N was out of her house with a pretty bad health. She has been weak since little and her parents didn't take good care of her viewing her as a disappointment.

The boy took careful steps towards Y/N, not wanting to scared her or something.

The girl felt a presence in front or her, looking up at who it was, she meet Sanemi's eyes who where looking down at her. They stayed looking at each other for a while. The one who cut the silence was the white haired boy.

"What's your name? You don't look so well..."
The girl notice that his tone was different at what his face showed. It was gentle and she could feel a hint of worry in his voice even for a person that he didn't know.

"Y/N..." she was interrupted by a coughing fit that didn't let her talk anymore.

Sanemi just looked at her, he felt guilty. He has a family that take care of him when sick. Even if it isn't perfect. His siblings and mother love him. Looking at this girl he felt like he needs to help her. It was like one of his little siblings was sick and imagining that scenario made him felt terrible.

So Sanemi help her. He give her something to eat and something to drink and hydrate herself.

Y/N just looked at him, and then at the things he gave her. She never received help from anyone. People looked at her and kept walking. So with tears in her eyes, she thanked him.

"It's nothing... See you around."
And he kept his word. He made a routine to always walk in the direction where she was, everyday giving her something to eat and something to drink. He didn't have medicine to give her and even if it wasn't his fault, he always apologized to her. Y/N just smiled at him whenever he apologized about it, telling him that what he gave her was enough.

This went for months. Y/N started to feel better and told Sanemi. He was happy for her but inside he felt scared 'what if something bad happens to her?' 'what if she gets sick again?' so he stayed by her side. He became more protective of her, like a bodyguard.

Until the unthinkable happen. Sanemi's mom turned into a demon and he had to kill her. His sibling where dead. He was left alone with only Genya who he protected. But Genya left him too, mad that he killed his mother. So he was left alone.
Y/N found him alone and stayed by Sanemi's side.

They became demon slayers together side by side. Sanemi always went in missions with her, being extremely protective of Y/N. Even more that when they were kids. Y/N didn't get sick that often now, becoming stronger and taking a place as a pillar beside Sanemi.

Today, all the pillars were in a meeting with Oyakata-sama. Sanemi was beside Y/N. Now that the two were a couple Sanemi thought that Oyakata-sama would send them in more missions together but his idea was smashed in this meeting.
At the end, the lider of the Corps told Y/N to stay behind.

"Yes Oyakata-sama?" Y/N bowed to him in respect.

"You can lift your head Y/N." he give her a reassuring smiled. "I need you to go in a mission alone. I know that this is too sudden but I know that you have the ability to do it. And I think that if you go with someone else, they're going to slow you down."

The girl stayed silent for a while. "I'll do it. Count on m-"
The two were interrupted by the door opening. There it was Sanemi with a worry look in his face.

"I'm sorry for entering so suddenly Oyakata-sama but I would like to go with Y/N in this mission." Sanemi bowed but stood up right away looking at his lider.

Y/N had a surprise look in her face. She didn't know that Sanemi could be this overprotective. She knew that he was protective of her but to this level? Even so, she smiled. Remembering a little their childhood together and all the things that they have done together.

"I'm sorry Sanemi but like I said to Y/N, it's better if she goes alone."
After making Sanemi understand that he couldn't go, the couple left adn went to their state. Y/N lived in the same state as him even if she had a different element.
"You sure that you don't want me to go with you?"

She could feel his worry in his voice, she smiled at that. Giving his hand a squeeze of reassurance.
"I'll be fine Sanemi. Don't worry too much."

"How can I not worry brat. We always go together. And now you have to go alone to kill so fucking demon? Bullshit." huffing out his answer.

"Hey. I'll be back in a blink of an eye! Or are you scared of sleeping alone?"
"Hah?! No! I can sleep alone, what the hell!? I'm worry about you!"

Y/N laughed while Sanemi kept screaming beside her. She was used to his attitude. The pillars always asked her how she can keep up with him but she just smiled at them.

The next day, Sanemi woke up alone. Y/N had already left for the mission. She left him breakfast and a note that said that the mission would last no more that four days.

Even with that information, Sanemi was still worry about her. He did his routine of everyday like always but the thought of something happening to her was always present in his mind.
And it was like this for three days.

After three days Y/N came back home. Sanemi was just chilling, like never, in their shared room when suddenly he heard the door open and someone letting out a lot of courses.

Making his way to the front door, Sanemi saw his girlfriend, she was smiling at him but his attention was in all the wounds in her body.

"Dumbass! You're full of wounds!" taking fast steps towards her, he was able to catch her when she started falling. Taking her in his arms, he took her to their room and started to help her with her wounds and injuries.

While he did it, she told him about her mission. He was proud. He remembered how Y/N was when they first met, and looking at her now, he was amaze at the wonderful woman beside him. Would he tell her that he thinks that she is stronger that him? Hell no.

Demon Slayer x Reader (One-shots) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora