"You were a good teacher. Many students wanted to take more of your classes. My major just happened to coincide with what you were teaching." I look up at him from under my lashes, and then over to Hope. She's holding her coffee mug halfway toward her mouth, and I almost wish I knew what she was thinking. I give her a half-hearted smile before downing the rest of my coffee. Derrick doesn't say much else either as he loads his plate with fruit and a pastry.

"Harper, can I show you something in my room? It is something our office is working on that I believe you would be very interested in." She stands and leaves the room before I can give an answer. Great, Hope's nose for gossip has definitely sniffed out Derrick and me. We were together for almost two years and nothing then; what great timing. Okay, time to play it cool.

"I guess I will be right back." I reach for the coffee at the same time as Derrick. "Oh sorry." I blush so deeply I can feel the heat radiating from my face.

"Please, ladies first." I refill my coffee, then hand the carafe to him. I give him a small smile and turn away from him. I don't know why I do, but I don't have time to dwell on that right now. I meet Hope in her bedroom, and she immediately shuts the door behind me.

"You and Rick? That's like a fifteen-year age difference! I mean, well, you and Rick?" I cannot tell if her tone is conveying more excitement or fury. "When? How? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Woah, slow down. Me and Derrick? Where are you picking that up from?" I put my hands up in front of me as if that will actually get her to pump the brakes.

"Oh please, don't play these games with me. It's me! Plus, it is written all over both of your faces. You just referred to him as Derrick instead of Rick. If y'all don't want people to know, then you should really hide it better." I move to sit on the loveseat in the corner of her room. She moves to sit next to me, but obviously is unsure about how to further interact. She takes a deep breath before whispering, "Is he why you left?" I feel a sharp pain in my side, and I know this is simply an emotional side effect of broken heartedness.

"Why I left, that is a whole complicated story on its own." I pause and look down at my hands, which are gripping my coffee so tightly my knuckles turn white. "But if you want the truth," I look up at Hope who is looking so intensely back at me, I almost start crying again. "Derrick and I, well, we were together for about a year and a half. We were in love. Life was happening though, and things change. We broke up right before I left the country." I shrug my shoulders and take a few sips of my coffee. I think back on what might have been, but only for a moment. I cannot change the past; therefore, I should not live in the past.

"You know you're both still in love. Why didn't things work out? Are y'all getting back together? I wonder what Dad would have to say about all this. Why didn't you say something to me about it all back then?" Hope spews every statement and question out so fast, as if she doesn't know which is the most important to say or ask. She places a hand on my knee and squeezes.

"So, Laney, anyone special in your life?" Hope asks with a wicked grin over her martini glass. I laugh lightly shaking my head.

"No Hope," I lie through my smile. I want to tell her about Derrick, but everything is still so new. "I promise, you'll be the first to know if anything changes."

"Oh Laney, don't be like me in college," Hope sighs as she stirs the olive in her glass. "I was so focused on finishing school; I feel like I turned down so many opportunities to live a fun life." Sadness clouds her eyes, but only for a moment. "Although, there was Ethan."

"Oh, we all remember Ethan," I roll my eyes jokingly.

"Hey!" Hope sits up a little straighter looking almost frustrated, but still quite giggly. "What was wrong with Ethan?"

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