Hiruzen looked at his grandchild seing more and more of his daughter in her growth. He always wondered why his daughter was so different to his other children and and he saw the difference in Akira from her looks and how she holds herself.

"You won't be participation in the chunin exams" He stated waiting for the genin to object, throw a tantrum but he got neither "Your not gonna ask for a reason?" He raised his eyebrow.

Now he was shown something different from his daughter. Akira taken this lightly, she didn't object where as if it was Izumi, she would have demanded and answer as to why the Hokage didn't want her to be part if the exams.

"Īe" She said shaking her head.

She is saddened that she doesn't have to participate. The Hokage had asked her to meet him because their conversation was interrupted.

A moment later Akira found herselfyet again in the Hokage's office. Although this time two anbu black ops were present.

"Yakusoku, Kyoiku meet Akira" The Hokage said introducing the young girl to the two.

"Akira meet Yakusoku Matsumoto and Kyoiku Masuku" Akira watched the two ninja's takeof their masks "As I said yesterday, you won't participating in the chunin exams because I'm sending these two on a mission and you'll be joining them"

"Uh, nani?" Akira's eyes widened "Hokage-sama I don't think I'm ready for this" Hiruzen laughed.

"Don't worry my dear" He stood up from his sit and walked to the little girl "The mission is rather simple" He said "You just have to deliver this scroll to Kusagakure"

"Why don't we give it to the shinobi who are coming?" Kyoiku said under his breath and that earned him a jab on the ribs by Yakusoku "Itai" he muttered moving away from the woman.

"When are we leaving Hokage-sama?" Yakusoku asked bowing, the Hokage took out the Black scroll.

"You must leave today itself" He nodded at Akira "Akira for this mission you are to be given your anbu uniform"

"Uh what now?" Kyoiku asked looking at poking his head looking at the child wide eyed, he turned to the Hokage his mouth hanging "Shouldn't she take an exam, like the rest of us did?" He proceeded to take a step but again Yakusoku pulled him by his clothes.

"As you wish Lord Hokage" Yakusoku glared daggers at her twin brother "Akira-chan?" Akira looked up at the two siblings.

"Hai" Yakusoku walked to the the young girl and ruffled her hair.

"Welcome to the team" She said with a wide smile while Kyoiku had his arms folded over his chest with a sour look at Akira.

"I have already asked for the anbu uniform to be made for you" Hiruzen said pushing the clothes in Akira's direction "Kakashi came by to drop them off this morning"

"Arigatou Hokage-sama " Akira bowed "Thank you for this honour that you have given me. I won't let you down"

"I know you won't " He smiled " You are all given two hours to get yourself ready for this mission. You are dismissed"

"Hai, Lord Hokage " The threeeft the Hokage's office with different emotions.

"So what happened to your squad member?" Akira walked with Yakusoku while Kyoiku was infront of the two girls.

"He's at the hospital" Kyoiku said not even glancing behind him, in a monotone voice.

"He replenished his chakra and to top it off he had a very severe wound in his stomach" Yakusoku replied "Don't mind my brother, he's a little sore that he didn't get to be anbu at a young age" She giggled "How old are you by the way?"

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