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Your POV
Training camp has ended, but you did receive Daichi's number. You guys texted each other every day. Even though you couldn't see each other everyday, you had to talk every day. A week after the camp, Daichi texted you and asked if you wanted to hangout sometime over the weekend. You could stay over for the night because it was a longer travel. Both your parents agreed since your parents and his had known each other for so long, and you guys used to sleepover all the time. Your style had taken quite a change since you were younger. When you were younger you used to wear what ever shorts and t-shirt you could find. Sometimes you would have purple shorts on and a yellow t-shirt.  At some point in high school you started caring about your appearance and your style really changed. Today you were wearing a blue and white striped crop top, high waisted blue and white striped pants, and white air force ones. (Picture up above)

You walked to his house from the train. You could never forgot the way there. You knocked on the door. His mom opened and up. She squealed with joy. "Oh my gosh! (Y/N)! It's been such a long time. Your all grown up now." She opened the door to let you in. She gave you a big hug and you hugged back. "Sawamura! (Y/N) is here." She yelled. He came running downstairs. "Hey Dadchi." He smiled at you. "Hey (Y/N)." You were about to take off your shoes when Daichi says "Do you want to go to that Cafe we used to always go to?" Your eyes started to glow. He chuckled and said "I'll take that as a yes." You nodded and he threw on some shoes and you guys headed out. "You look really good, (Y/N)." You smiled. "You too, Dadchi. Aging did you well." The tips of his ears burned bright red. Luckily for him you didn't turn to look at him. "Hey (Y/N)." "Hmmm" you hummed. "Well, I call you (Y/N)., why don't you call me Sawamura?" "Oh well I've always called you Dadchi. Plus I think nicknames mean your closer than first names. And it's an unsaid agreement we're the best of friends." You smiled.

When you got to the store you were greeted by a sweet smell and the life chime of a bell. You really missed this place. "I haven't been here since you left." Daichi anxiously admitted. "Why?" You looked at him. "This was one of the best places to get milkshakes." He was rubbing the back of his neck with his hand and he held a nervous smile. "Well, it reminded me too much of you." You blushed red. Like cherry, fire truck red. "W-we s-should or-der." 'Damnit why did I stutter?' You thought. Growing up you had the biggest crush on him. 'Hell to the fuck no. I'm not having a crush on him again.' You thought. "Can I get one vanilla milkshake and one (f/f) milkshake." You heard Daichi say. "Stop it, Daichi. Don't pay for me." He handed the worker the money. "Already done." He smiled at you. You pulled out your wallet trying to give home the money. He wouldn't except it. You went to a table and sat down with your number. "I can't believe you remember my favorite flavor milkshake." You said in disbelief. "Of course I remember." He smiled. "Your favorite color is (f/c). Your favorite drink is (f/d). And your favorite place is the volleyball court we used to practice on." You stared at him in awww. 'How could he remember all that. Actually you remembered the same amount of things.' The two of you waited for your milkshakes and caught up on what you missed over the past few years. You had apparently missed a lot.

After finishing the milkshakes, you headed home. "Hey, Daichi?" You inquired. "Hmmm." He hummed in response. "Can we go practice on the volleyball court again?" " Yeah. Let's head home, get changed, and then we can practice!" He smiled. On the way home, it was pretty silent. Not a bad or awkward silence, but a comfortable one. You reached the house and went to change into a sports bra, compression shorts, and a plane white t-shirt. Daich came out in a similar outfit. A white t-shirt and red shorts. He also had the volleyball in hand. "Race you there!" You shouted and took off running. You knew you were gonna win you had a 5k time of 19:39 and a mile time of 5:59. You sprinted onto the court with Daichi arriving 30 seconds later. "Damn (Y/N). How did you get so fast?" You smiled. "Oh back in America I was one of the best runners on my cross country team and our long distance sprint team." You took of your white t-shirt, leaving you in just compression shorts and a sports bra. Daichi blushed a lot. "Well, let's get to playing!" You cheered.

After about and hour, Daichi's phone had rang. His mom told him dinner would be ready soon and that they should head home. You looked at Daichi with a look that he knew meant you wanted to race back home. "No way (Y/N)." You both chuckled a little and started walking home. You threw your t-shirt back on white heading home. You walked in the house to smell an amazing meal. Everyone sat down around the table. Everyone started to dig in after saying thanks for the food. Playing volleyball got you tired so you ate most of your meal. You laughed with the entire family. Just like the good ole days. Once everyone was done eating, you got up to help wash the dishes. Daichi's mother told you to go take a shower and that you were the guest so you weren't required to help. You smiled and nodded and went to take a shower. You put on some fluffy pajama pant and a plain black shirt on to sleep in. You dried your hair and went to see Daichi also got out of the shower and laying on his bed. "Want to watch a movie?" Daichi asked. "Sure." You said.
Hope you like.

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