Training Camp Pt 2

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Your POV
The day has ended. A couple of the guys decided to get more practice in. They had invited you, but you politely declined because you had to help the other managers make food. Which made you kinda upset cause you wanted to practice with them. You started to work on the curry with one of the Karasuno's managers. I think her name was Kiyoko. We heard the door open to the kitchen. I didn't look up. If it was one of my guys they would have bursted in here being loud as fuck, but it was completely silent. Kiyoko looked up to see who came in. Apparently she recognized him because she said "Hey Daichi. Do you need something?" Wait. Daichi! Your head shot up from the curry. It whipped around to see him making eye contact at you. It's the guy who reminded you of your childhood friend. "Uhhh yeah," he started "can I borrow Nekoma's manager?" He smiled at you. Kiyoko looked at you. You nodded. "Yeah as long as I'm not needed here." Kiyoko gave you a nod confirming you were free to go. You took off your apron and walked out. "What can I help you with?" you asked. You really hoped it was him and not just some stupid love confession or something like that. "Can I talk to you in private?" You nodded and followed him to wherever he was taking you.

While walking there you passed Kuroo who wrapped his arms around your waist. "Ohhoho. Where do you think you're going with our manager, Captain?" He asked with a slightly concerning smile on his lips. It was waaaaay to friendly. "I just need to talk to her." Kuroo nodded, but then whispered in your ear, "If he tries anything, tell me. I won't hesitate to hurt him." That was another thing. You and the guys had become best friends, but they also became really over protective of you. You continued to follow Daichi. At some point he stopped. We were at the stairs to the upstairs floor. Which was off limits to everyone, so no one would be over here. There's no point.  He looked in your eyes. You gulped. His look was kinda intense you weren't gonna lie, but it softened as soon as he started to speak. "I need to know something." He started. You gulped. Man that sounded intense. "Are you (L/N) (Y/N) who moved to America 7 years ago because your dad got a new job and you were going to go to Izumitate junior high?" (Sorry I would have said the elementary school cause that where you at when you 9, but we don't know where Daichi went in elementary school sooo) "Holy shit!" You shouted. You pointed at him. "It really is you, Dadchi." You jumped in for a hug. You wanted to hug him forever. "I thought we were over the nickname Dadchi, (Y/N)." "Never!" You smiled. You were so happy. Words couldn't describe how happy you were. Man you could run a mile in 5:30 seconds right now. That's :29 seconds faster than your mile time, but you were so happy. "Hey we'll catch up after dinner. You better go back and help the girls." "Aye aye, Dadchi." You sautés and fab off. Daichi chuckled as he watched your disappearing figure. He started to walk back to clean up and get ready for dinner.

You got back to the kitchen. "Wow you're literally glowing (Y/N)." All the other managers commented. You just smiled and nodded. You went back to helping Kiyoko. "So what did Daichi say to you?" She asked. "Ummm well. Back in elementary school we were best friends and then I moved so he was just asking if it really was me." Kiyoko's head whipped to look at you. "Oh my god. You're the girl who Daichi would completely take a day off from school and practice to cry over on the anniversary of your leaving." 'Wow' you thought. 'He really missed me that much.' Well the curry was done now and so was the rest of the food. We set up the tables and god the food ready to be served. Then we collected all the players. Once everyone was in, every player got their food. Then we managers got to sit down and enjoy our meals with our teams. You had other plans though. "Give me one second guys." You set your food down and stormed over to the Karasuno table. "Daichi!" You shouted. "I'm going to kill you." He turned around in surprise and that changed into a confused look. You started to go off on him. "Who the fuck moped over someone for 7 years, dumbass? It's not like I was dead. I was in America. You really missed practice and school because of me? And if you say yes you should start running now while you have a head start." Daichi got out of the seat and started sprinting. You could here the Nekoma guys laughing.

Kageyama's POV (just for kicks and grins)
This girl came storming up to our table. She shouted the captain's name. She looked like she was going to murder him. And then she started yelling at him for missing practice and school over her. Wait! Realization hit me. 'The captain has only missed practice once. This is why he missed it. He missed it over a girl. How stupid?' Hinata leaned into me and whispered, "what just happened?" I leaned into him and whispered back, "Remember when Captain missed practice that one time?" He nodded. "Yeah." I continued "she's the reason why." He shouted, "but how could captain miss practice over a girl? She's just a girl and volleyball is so much more important." I leaned away as he was shouting in my ear. The Nekoma team laughed some more at Hinata's outburst. At that point, the captain walked back in slouching and looking very tired. While the girl followed behind looking victorious. Captain sat down and just ate without saying anything. She walked over to the team and gave them all fist bumps.
More romance stuff will happen I promise.

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