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The next two days was a routine. Mia woke, used the washroom, ate, and went back to sleep. She simply didn't have the energy to do anything else.

Each time she had to walk, Prince Avery gave her the chance to try and walk without help. When she started getting too wobbly, he'd help her. By the time she couldn't hold herself up, he would just carry her.

Each time, he only smiled or laughed at her exasperated look. He never made fun or did anything to take her options away. Then he'd order her a soup, and leave her be to work while she finished it completely. She'd pretend to sleep. and he'd leave her to rest.

She was able to walk longer each time as her energy slowly returned. Finally, on the morning of the third day, she woke to a completely clear head.

Now she couldn't pretend to be too tired to talk to him. But by then, she had her plan.

She would keep away, remain neutral. Hopefully by the time she finished testifying against Lady Margaret, she could escape and never return.

She did feel a tiny shred of guilt. She had never wanted to hurt anyone, and her leaving would likely hurt Avery, but she didn't have a choice. She blamed the Soulbond for her guilt at wanting to leave.

Her eyes found the man of her thoughts. Prince Avery was sprawled on the couch, completely asleep. His face was peaceful, and his blonde hair messy. She had to admit - the way he was snoring softly and completely sprawled out was rather adorable.

Mia shook her head violently, throwing off of the covers and making her way to the bathroom. There wasn't a trace of sleep in her anymore, and she made it back to the bed without waking Avery.

She wanted out of the room - she felt crowded. But all she was wearing was a nightgown and doubted that Prince Avery had any women's clothes.

Although, she did see her maid's clothes in a small basket, likely to be taken to be cleaned. Her leggings and skirt was still fine, but her shirt was bloodied.

Her white undershirt was definitely ruined, but the grey over-shirt didn't look too bad. She took the clothing back to the bathroom and changed into them. Her slip-ons fit nicely, and she used the ribbon that usually tied her undershirt tighter to tie her hair up.

Then she slipped from Prince Avery's room, hoping she didn't wake him. Dressing herself with her arm still strapped to her chest was difficult, but she managed. She ended up keeping it under her shirt and had a limp sleeve.

She felt bare without her knife. She hadn't been able to find it, and didn't want to be caught snooping if she looked for it.

As soon as she turned the hallway from the prince's room, she relaxed slightly. She had been on edge since the shooting of her shoulder, and could finally breathe.

She wasn't very hungry, and didn't know what to do. Her feet carried her down the halls, and past the waiting guards.


Mia jumped, turning around to see Prince Drew. He looked at her, a bit perplexed.

"Already on your feet?"

"It was my shoulder that was injured, not my legs, majesty," Mia hastily added the last word before she came across as rude.

"That's fair," the young teen agreed. "I have news for you."

Mia waited for him to continue, and realized he wanted a reply. Slightly irritated, she asked, "What is it?"

"Aunt Margaret's trial has been changed. After some more investigations, the trial will not be public. She's agreed to a deal - a lesser punishment for information."

Mia tilted her head. "What does that mean?"

"That means we know who her accomplice is." He looked a bit proud. "The same person she hired to shoot you - Crimson."

Mia eyed him. "Are you certain?"


Mia knew that was wrong. Crimson had no interest in having a Kingdom, and Margaret's lover definitely wanted power or else he wouldn't be helping her. Further proof Margaret was pulling their strings.

"I think I'd be best if I confirm that," Mia said slowly. "My magic tells me something's off."

A lie. Her magic only told her that Prince Drew was telling the truth - or what he thought was the truth.

Prince Drew shrugged. "We were going to have you there, but then you were put on bed rest by my brother." He made a face.

Mia pursed her lips. "Where is Lady Margaret?"

"Madam Margaret," Drew corrected politely. "Is on her way to her punishment, which is work in Valentine, which the Emery family offered us."

"She's gone?!" Mia tried to keep the started tone from her voice, shocked.

The King and Queen knew that Mia could detect lies perfectly - and hadn't bothered to consult her about Margaret's story. There was a very good chance she was lying about everything.

A voice from behind Mia had her jumping in alarm. 

"You are serious, Drew? She was sent off already?"

Prince Avery was leaning against the wall, speaking to Drew, but his eyes were on Mia. A sword rested on his hip, and he looked casual. He seemed to always have some sort of weapon on him at all times.

The fact that he had sneaked up on Mia so easily had her a bit spooked. It wasn't easy to catch her off guard, as she had to be alert. It came with being a thief.

Prince Drew nodded. His older brother swore under his breath. "Without consulting Mia?"

"Mum said that she could just check the written statement."

"I didn't think that was how her magic worked," Avery said slowly.

"It's not." Mia put in. "It has to be read by the speaker in person for me to know."

Drew held up his hands helplessly. "I can't do anything about it. Sorry, brother."

Avery just grumbled under his breath, and Drew apparently didn't like the sign of that, as he waved goodbye and dashed out of the hallway.

Mia felt his eyes on her, but didn't move.

"You scared me, you know." Prince Avery said quietly. "I woke and you were gone."

She turned her head slightly. "I can be very quiet when I wish to be." 

She could see him in the corner of her eye. He stood fully, moving behind her, his hand brushing her arm. "I noticed."

Warmth shot down her skin at his touch, and she could feel the heat of his chest against her back. His fingers continued to trace her skin, distracting her from the chants in her head of telling herself to get away.

"You can too, a-apparently," Mia managed, her breath hitching slightly as he continued the light teasing on her bare arm.

He chuckled softly. "I can. You have it easy, being so light-footed. I heard about your maneuvers to get away from the guards. You must be hard to catch."

She got the sense he was speaking about more than her agility. Biting her lip fiercely, she took a strong hold of herself, shoved away the Soulbond that made her want to lean against him, and pulled away.

She didn't miss the flash of confusion and disappointment across Prince Avery's face. Though, it was quickly covered with a determined and slightly playful glance. 

In any other situation, Soulmates would meet and instantly be enraptured by the other. Often, they would leave for a few days and return, usually with the woman sporting a engagement ring. To reject or leave a Soulmate was rare. 

And Prince Avery had no idea why Mia was planning on leaving. She intended on keeping it that way, though he seemed extremely patient with her as she set off down the hall.

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