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The next day, Mia stayed to her bed. She drew the curtains (which truly did very little, considering how thin they were) and remained curled into a ball. Her mind was racing.

She didn't know what to do. The logical solution was to leave the palace before anything else could happen. But was that worth eight hundred gold? That much money would get her by easily for five years, and ten if she went carefully.

The risks weighed on her. She could stay and possibly get her money, but it was risky. What if Drew figured out who she was?

What if Avery was truly her Soulmate? 

Mia made a plan for herself. She'd stick around a few more days, see if she could procure anything from Margaret, the supposed traitor. If nothing happened, then she'd disappear.

Regardless of the gold promised to her.


Mia woke with a start, hearing the clang of pans. She hadn't truly been asleep, but dozing nicely.

There was a string of curses from the kitchen. "Last minute dinner! We need all hands on deck, here!"

Mia lifted her head wearily. Her hair was down, and she was just wearing her underclothes. She really didn't want to get up and help, but she supposed it was her job. Even if she was only faking being a maid.

Getting up with a groan, she swung her feet over the edge of the low bed. Putting her feet in the thin shoes and pulling on her over-clothes, she didn't have time to do up her hair as she was yanked into the kitchen.

"Guests!" Pots cried, throwing her into the throng of running maids. "Get up, girl!"

Mia spluttered, grabbing her mop and bucket. That seemed to be her job for the dining room. Carrying it, she allowed her light-footed steps to stop her from spilling as she raced into the lift, out, and down the hallway.

It's not even my shift! Mia complained mentally. I'm a thief, not a maid!

Nonetheless, she found her way into the dining room. Picking up the chairs and setting them on the table, Mia began cleaning the floors.

Nicki wasn't far behind her, her dusting supplies at the ready. Both worked frantically to clean the already polished room, as if the guests would notice it hadn't been cleaned in the past two minutes.

"Pots is worse than usual!" Nicki huffed. "Who do you think the guests are?"

Mia shrugged, keeping her mouth shut. It seemed to be doing her better than talking.

"Someone important, that's for sure!" Another maid said earnestly. The maids sometimes chattered while they worked, but Mia didn't mind. She learned things that way. They had started talking after they warmed up to her.

"Maybe another royal family," Nicki mused. "From somewhere outside of Astana!"

"I hope not," the other maid complained. "They get rather self-righteous with maids."

Mia lifted her head - that sounded like trouble. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke warily, temporarily forgetting her facade.

"What do you mean?"

The maid answered her, quickly cleaning the table once Mia finished cleaning the rug. "When royalty from other lands come, they tend to get snippy with maids. I've heard that Astana is the only country with hired help and not servants. Apparently, it rubs the wrong way with them and since they can't take it out on the Starlings, they take it out on us."

Mia sensed every word was truth. That made her cautious.

"They wouldn't do anything drastic, would they?"

"I dunno," the maid replied, not looking up. "We just stick to our quarters and near the royal family when others come to Jythera. The Starlings don't tolerate anyone hurting us."

Note: stay away from visiting royals.

Just as the maids finished and set the table, they heard the doors beginning to open. Nicki shot Mia a panicked look and snatched the mop and bucket, hiding them around the door as they prepared to leave.

"Oh, here's some. Miss, come here please."

Mia froze. She was half-way outside of the door, but heard the voice of the Queen herself.

Swallowing, Mia peeked around the corner. The Queen, with her honey hair and emerald eyes, smiled at her when Mia pointed at herself questioningly.

"Yes, you. Come." Her voice was kind.

Mia bit the inside of her cheek, but walked in. Carefully closing the door behind her to let Nicki and the other maid escape, she answered as she pulled up her meek maid act. Head ducked, she heightened her voice and spoke carefully.

"Yes, Majesty?"

The Queen smiled. "What's your name, miss?"

Mia kept her hands tucked behind her back, and pinched the back of her hand when she spoke to keep a calm face. Her palms were sweating. Was the Queen singling her out? Had her sons told her of what they had discovered about an ordinary maid? Nonetheless, Mia responded.

"Harper, Majesty."

She had heard rumors that the Queen was one of the most powerful beings of the century. Mia's own magic was weak, compared to those rumors. Her lie wouldn't pass as it usually did. She had to be careful. If the Queen noted anything, she didn't say it.

"Meet our guests, Harper. This is the Emery family of Valentine."

Valentine - another kingdom beside Astana. Mia let herself glance at the family of four. Their King, Queen, and two daughters.

Mia did a curtsy, bowing her head. "Pleasure to meet you." Not.

"They are curious about our system," the Queen said kindly. "Would you be able to answer their questions?"

Mia wanted to decline, but couldn't. She recognized the hidden command - a kind one, but still there. She just nodded.

Queen Emery spoke up. "You receive pay, correct?" Her tone was much sharper than the Queen of Astana. Mia nodded in response, mentally checking to see if she could take down this woman if it came to it. Judging by how thin she was, it would be an easy fight. Mia knew that she was only wondering this to distract herself from the palpable danger in the air.

"How often?"

"Every weekend, Majesty."

"How much?"

"It depends on the work completed in that time, Majesty."

Mia felt like snickering, she was doing such a good job of acting. She really needed to get more money from Lord Javier at this rate. She was risking her neck in this.

"And you enjoy working here?" One daughter asked, looking skeptical. 

Mia turned on her magic and lied, "Yes, Majesty."

The Emery family looked convinced, but the Queen of Astana didn't as much. Instead, she nodded a clear dismissal to Mia.

"Thank you, Harper. You may go."

Before Mia could gladly leave the dining room, the door opened again. The King, along with his four sons, entered the room. All wore their fancy gear, combed nicely and looking polite. Her spine stiffened as she froze for a second.

Mia's eyes locked with far-away, hazel ones. Her jaw clenched, and she ripped herself away from the staring contest and left the room.

As she skirted down the hallway, she ran through her plan. 

There has to be contact for the Soulbond to form. As long as I don't touch him, I'll be fine. Stay a few more days, and find out if Margaret will call for a maid. After that time, I'm gone.

I'll be fine. I'll be careful and cautious. Everything will turn out fine.

At least, that was what Mia told herself.

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