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      "What exactly are you doing here, Hal?"

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"What exactly are you doing here, Hal?"

Dressed in his Flash suit, Barry crossed his arms. He was busy and patrolling the city when Hal had interrupted him, flying out of nowhere dressed in his Green Lantern uniform, with a grin on his face. Barry liked the guy, but there were times when he wanted to smack him in the face and one of the times was now.

"Man, I come back after two months of being away and that's what you say to me?" Hal almost pouted.

"You interrupted me while I was patrolling," Barry stated bluntly, leaning against the wall of the alley. Both of them were standing across from each other, temporarily hidden from the eyes of the world. The sun was shining brightly over their heads. After all, it was the middle of the day.

"Well, sorry about that." Hal didn't look sorry at all. Still smiling, he asked, "How've things been here? No alien invasion or anything?"

"Nope, nothing much has happened," Barry replied. After a short pause, he added, "Did you talk to Alex before you came here?"

At the mention of Alex's name, Hal's eyes brightened for a second for a second before his expression returned to normal. "No. Why? Did something happen?"

Barry scratched the side of his head, suddenly looking sheepish. "Well, I don't know if she wants me to tell you. But I personally think you should know before you go see her. Otherwise, she might blow up at you and that's no joke. She's been real tense."

"What happened?" Hal asked, a slight frown appearing on his face. Since the invasion, he had developed a strange, protective instinct when it came to Alex. It was weird, but at the same time, he didn't want to see her hurt.

"Well, it starts from..." And so Barry told Hal the whole story as Alex had told him. From her parents leaving her to her accident and the most recent news; that she had a brother for sixteen years that she only recently learnt about. As Barry went on, the frown on Hal's face deepened.

"Geez, I don't even know what to say to that."

"I didn't either when she told me way back when," Barry said. "But I think when you see her, you'll know exactly what to say to her."

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