10 - Departure

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      Three weeks after the Darkseid invasion, things had finally settled down and everyone had returned to their normal routine

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Three weeks after the Darkseid invasion, things had finally settled down and everyone had returned to their normal routine. For Alexandra Smith, that meant drinking at least three cups of coffee in a day while working on cases with her fellow CSIs. Although if one good thing had emerged out of this invasion, it was the fact that the crime rate had significantly reduced.

Most small-time criminals hadn't stepped out or done what they usually did. Alex theorised it was because of the invasion. They must have been affected too.

Oh well, it didn't really matter to her. But she was glad that there was little to no crime to deal with. Even as Supernova, this period was the first time since she had adopted the moniker, that she got to stop patrol early and actually get a good amount of sleep.

Alex was humming to herself as she typed away on her computer at the Crime Lab. The other two CSIs were working on their own, with Jake working on some breaking and entering case while the senior CSI (in the sense that she had been there for much longer than them) Jackie Abernathy was filing a report of her own. Together, this trio handled all the cases that trickled down the halls of their precinct.

"Done," Alex mumbled as she finally finished typing up her part of the evidence catalogue from a few of last weeks' cases. Thank god for her IQ. It really helped when it came to quickly finishing work. Then her phone buzzed, signalling the arrival of a text message. She plucked it off her desk and opened it.

'You busy right now?' Of fucking course, it was Hal. The stupid idiot had taken it on himself to text her at the most random times of the day to annoy her. She was beginning to regret sharing her number with him, but she was used to it by now.

ALEX: I just got done with a report. And I'm gonna take a break. Then I've to get back to work. So, yes, I'm busy

HAL: Are you busy right now then?

ALEX: No, I'm not. And why are you asking anyway?

COSMIC ━━ hal jordanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora