12 - Home Alone

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           As it turned out, things were definitely not okay

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As it turned out, things were definitely not okay.

It had only hit Alex when she had returned home. Her parents were the biggest assholes in the world (though she already knew that). The fact that they kept her own little brother hidden away from her for sixteen years....she was justifiably angry. And also sad. And also a little happy at the fact that Andrew had grown up as such a nice guy. She was a mess of emotions and this wasn't helping while she was out on patrol.

She had almost beat someone to their death. Okay, yes, the man was a criminal. Yes, he had tried to rob a young woman. But she had almost killed him. And that horrified her. Because she wasn't the one to beat them up. Alex just liked to rough them up a bit.

Everything had been thrown since the damn visit. Nothing was helping. At times like these, Alex would have loved Hal's dumb texts, but he wasn't even on Earth. (She would never admit this out loud. Especially not to him)

Never had she felt more lonely and more unwanted.

Alex was skipping out on patrol today. She was too tense, too wound up and didn't want to accidentally kill someone because she felt like she would. She sighed as she shifted her position on her bed, staring up at the stark white ceiling of her room.

"I really need more friends," She mumbled under her breath. "And a distraction too."

Alex raised her right hand above her head, lighting it up. She watched the golden energy dance around her palm, almost mesmerized. She was basically brooding in silence. A second later, that statement hit her and she sat up straight, dropping her hand to her side. She was not some grumpy, brooding billionaire like Bruce Wayne. She was Alexandra Smith and she knew exactly who to talk to.

She grabbed her phone from her bed and quickly opened it, dialing the number of the person she was thinking about. After three rings, he picked it up. "Heyyy, what's up?"

"Hey Barry, I need to tell you something," Alex said the moment she heard his voice from the other end. "It's important."

"Woah woah woah, are you about to confess your undying love for me?" Barry said, laughing. "Because you shouldn't do that. It would make things really awkward between us."

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