[1: Trouble and coworkers..]

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Setting: Your house and FNaF 2
                        ~{Your P.O.V}~

I sat at the kitchen table flipping anxiously through piles of newspapers. My mom has been yelling at me for the past 2 weeks to find me a job so I can get my own roof to stick over my head, but so far? No dice.. These crappy stained and crumpled newspapers that my mom had stuffed away are either already way outdated, or I have no experience with the available position. That was, until I saw an ad asking for security guards. Once I worked as a security guard for Northwire, (See what I did there?) so a puny old pizza place would be a piece of cake! Why a pizzeria would need a security guard? No clue. It was worth a shot though. Looking at the pay, it was pretty horrible, but at least it was something. Besides, I am not going to waste another 2 hours flipping through these poor excuses for newspapers. I dialed the number and somebody picked up almost immediately.

B-Phone guy

Ring Ring Ring...

Hello? Hello, Hello?

Hi, um.. do you still have a night guard position open?

*Inaudible murmurs* Uhh, yes. Are you applying for one?

Yes sir I-

GREAT! You're hired! Can you start tonight?

Um.. yeah but don't you-

OK! Welcome to the Fazbear Crew! Come to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza on (insert street name) at 11:45pm to receive your uniform, the shift starts at 12am. OH!And you have 5 co-workers that will be working with you, you'll have a different one each day of the week, for now, you'll be working with one of them to help explain what is required of you. See you tonight! Bye!



"That was.. strange.." I thought, curiously, "They didn't ask me for experience or anything.. Oh well, maybe it's better, less work to go through." I stood up and ran up to my mom, blocking the TV from her view. "Move you lazy piece of-" she began to call me a vulgar name but I cut her off with very exciting news. "Mom, I got a job!" I said, smiling at her. She rolled her eyes. "Finally.. the sooner you're out of here the better, now move, you're blocking the TV," She uttered, trying to crane her neck past me. I looked at her in shock. "You've been bugging me to get a job this whole time and you're only happy I'll be out? You.. you're not proud?" I asked, I could feel my lip quivering. "Tch," She laughed, "Course not, I never loved you anyways, you're lucky your father did." I started tearing up as I ran to my room, landing face first on my pillow and proceeded to cry myself to sleep.


(Later that day)

I woke up from a horrible nightmare and checked the time, I sighed thinking I had nothing important to do, until I remembered my new job. I gasped and looked at the time again. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.." I uttered getting up and quickly turning the lights on. I ignored my body's urge to go back to sleep, and my eyes pleading for the blinding lights to stop and quickly got into some decent clothes. I grabbed my keys and ran into the bathroom, freshened up and combed my hair then was out the door. I jogged over to my car, hopping in and slamming the door shut. I jammed the key into the ignition and was gone in the blink of an eye. I checked the time, 11:39. "Damn, I'm about to be late on the first day of the job, what a bad impression," I thought anxiously. The only thing keeping my nerves from going through the roof of the car, was the radio playing. I let out a sigh. "Adulting sucks," I thought, giving a small chuckle. When I arrived I hopped out and locked my car, checking the time, 11:45. "Right on time," I sighed. I looked at the other cars and wondered why there were so many, I saw a ugly purple car and snickered before focusing back on the matter at hand. "It was supposed to be just me, the boss, and one of my coworkers.. who else is here?" I pondered, walking into the dark pizzeria. I turned to my left to see 3 pairs of giant eyes. I screamed and tripped over my feet, staring at the giant creatures. "Oh.. just robots.." I thought aloud, getting up and dusting yourself off. "Why the f*ck would a pizzeria need robots?" I said, thinking aloud for a second time. All of a sudden something grabbed my shoulder. My reflexes kicked in and I whipped around, throwing a punch at whatever it is that grabbed me. It fell over and groaned and I realized it was a human. "Oh! Oh my god, I'm so sorry," I said crouching down by the person. "I was just a bit scared by those things," I jerked my head toward the direction of the giant plastic animals, "already and you just came and grabbed me out of no where and I thought-" The person cut you off and chuckled a bit, holding his now bloody nose. "It's fine, I'm your boss by the way, I think you'll do a fantastic job here," He smiled. "I came to give you your uniform because I heard your scream when you got surprised by the animatronics but uh, haha, I guess I got a surprise too," he chuckled, "Anyways, here's your uniform, the office is that way, bathrooms are that way," He said, pointing at a direction for each area he mentioned. "Oh, one last thing, you're other coworkers wanted to all come for your first night so they could meet you," He said. "O-Oh, thank you, and s-so-rry again," you stuttered. "Haha, it's fine, by the way, I'm William, and you are.." He said, sticking his hand out and trailing off for you to finish his sentence. "Y/N," I said, shaking his hand. "Alright, Y/N, go get changed and then you can start your first night on the job, good luck!" He smiled and walked out of the pizza place. "What a nice man, I- Wait.. good luck? What do I need luck for?" I pondered. "Eh," I said and shrugged. "Now I just get changed and start my shift," I thought, smiling.

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