Chapter 1.

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It was a Friday afternoon and the girls were due on the Paul O'Grady show in an hour, as per usual Nicola had her head in some book, Kimberley was on the phone to Justin, Cheryl and Nadine were both sat on the rather large sofa in their dressing room and Sarah? well she was flapping over her eyelashes for the 10th time, Nadine let out a little chuckle as she watched her pull at her hair while reaching for her eyelash curlers AGAIN, Cheryl loved that little giggle Nadine would let out when she was observing something funny, it's one of the many factors that attracted the Geordie to the Irish woman.

Her and Nadine both found themselves attracted to each other, Cheryl still didn't have a clue where her feelings came from but Nadine did oh she had fancied Cheryl for at least 5 years despite not being particularly close with her, hence why she didn't act on them out of fear of rejection, for Cheryl it didn't hit her until the day Nadine told the girls she was moving to LA with her family, the stabbing feeling Cheryl got in her heart and the racing thoughts that went through her brain of not being able to see Nadine everyday shocked her but she knew she had to act on it before it was too late, so the last night they all spent together before Nadine was due to fly out she pulled her aside and let her feelings her utter surprise Nadine began to tell her she felt the same exact way, they shared a small kiss that night but have been taking it slow ever since, Nadine still moved out to LA and Cheryl stayed in London obviously they still saw each other for work and when they had long periods of time off either Cheryl would fly out to LA to join Nadine or Nadine would fly back to join Cheryl in London although they both preferred LA due to the fact they didn't have to sneak around as much but they were satisfied with that at the moment. The girls knew they couldn't keep it from them not only because they worked so closely with them but because they were their best friends, however they were not ready to let the world in on their little secret just yet.

Cheryl reached over placing her hand on Nadine's knee "you alright babe you're really quiet?" Nadine looked up from the floor she had been staring at and turned to face Cheryl "aye I'm good just anxious you know I'm not much of a talker during interviews and I'm petrified I'm gonna trip up and reveal something I shouldn't as in you know what... but apart from that I'm good least I'll have you there with me" she shoots a warm smile to the Geordie while rubbing her thumb over her hand. This was the first interview the girls were doing since they had started seeing each other, Cheryl budged a little closer to Nadine snaking her arm around her neck "when we go out do you want me to sit on the sofa and you sit on the stools behind just in case people notices something.. like the fact I can't stop touching you" she giggles at her own sentence but is cut off when Nadine slaps her playfully on the arm "ow" she moans while pulling a sad face.. Nadine just rolled her eyes at her over dramatic reaction, "that sounds good yes" she replies then places a small kiss on Cheryl's cheek.

20 minutes later a crew man knocked on the girls dressing room door they were all ready just waiting for the go ahead, "we're ready for you now girls" "FINALLY" a chorus of bellows echoed from Kimberley, Nicola and Sarah as they jumped up, Cheryl looked at Nadine "ready?" she asks as she holds her hand out to the Irish woman, Nadine nods and takes Cheryl's hand. Walking down the corridor to the set Nadine swore she was gonna throw up she was THAT nervous she didn't know why she had done plenty of interviews in the past and had to keep secrets during them and she's always successfully pulled it off but this time it wasn't about a new single or a new album it was about her and Cheryl.. the one thing in life she really didn't want to mess up. Nadine gave Cheryl's hand a little comforting squeeze as she heard Paul saying "please welcome... Girls Aloud" before letting go and hurrying to the back so she could walk on last.

Half way through the interview Paul asked the girls if they liked his new set and Nadine had made a comment about him being on the nicer side of evil, Paul chirped back with "haven't you got a dark side?" and Cheryl quickly piped up with "oh yes she has..." all of a sudden Nadine went into complete panic and let out a squeaky "Nooooo" shooting a 'what you doing' look at Cheryl.

After the interview had finished they all said their goodbyes and thankyou's to Paul before hurrying off stage, Nadine walked quickly to keep up with Cheryl muttering "what the hell was that all about" Cheryl looked at Nadine innocently "what was what all about?" Nadine scoffed "come on you know what I'm on about" as they reached their dressing room Cheryl grabbed Nadine's arm and dragged her into the toilet, putting her hands round her neck and whispering in the Irish girls ear "come on you know you've got a dark side" the Geordie said seductively "and I can't wait to see it appear tonight" she finished off by nibbling on her earlobe before placing some kisses on her neck which received a small moan from Nadine then walked out the toilet leaving Nadine stood there with shivers all over her body.

Cheradine - You Can't Mistake Our...Chemistry.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant