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After lunch, of cheese sandwiches, (boring!), the boys had a big pile of games sat on the living room coffee table.

"What we gonna play then?" Harry asked. He wanted to play, just to get his mind off of missing his Mum. He promised he'd call her tonight.

"Well...we got subuteo." Niall said.

"No...we've had enough football. What about snakes and ladders?" Liam suggested.

"What the fuck! Are you 3 years old Liam?" Zayn laughed.

"Chess?" Louis asked.

The others all broke out laughing. "Chess? Who the hell knows how to play chess?" Niall said.

"I do!" Louis said, frowning.

"Go play by yourself then, cos the rest of us don't."

"MONOPOLY!" Harry shouted.

They all nodded at him. "Ok. You set it all up Haz, while we sit and watch." Zayn said, grinning.

Ten minutes later, it was all set up.

No less than twenty minutes later, the board was upside down, with houses and money all over the floor.

"What the fuck you do that for, you muppet!" Zayn yelled.

"Fuck sake mate, calm down, it's only a game!" Niall added.

Harry got up and stormed off to the bathroom.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Liam asked, picking pieces up.

"I'll go check on him." Louis said, taking himself off to Harry's room.

Of course he wasn't there, and after looking in his own room, he went to the bathroom.

He went in without knocking.

Harry was sat on the floor, knees up to his chest.

"Harry? You can't flip your lid cos you're losing. You spoilt it for all of us." Louis said, sitting down beside him.

Harry sniffed. "Sorry."

"You should apologise to the lads too. Why'd you do it?"

"I want to go home. I need to get out of here."

"I know you do, but you can't.  We just have to sit tight."

Harry stood up and started pacing the room.

"I can't stay here Lou. I need some fresh air. I feel like I'm suffocating."

Louis stood up and grabbed Harry by his shoulders. "Harry...look at me...look!"

Harry stopped pacing and looked into Louis' eyes.

His breathing was faster than normal, he felt like his heart was going to explode.

"Harry...you need to take deep, slow breaths for me ok? In...out....in.....out....."

Harry copied Louis' actions, and soon, his breathing was back to normal.

"That's better. Sit down." He ordered him to sit on the toilet seat.

Harry did so, and looked up at Louis. "Sorry."

Louis crouched down. "Stop saying sorry. It's ok. I know you get stressed out, and this is making it worse. You did take your pills today didn't you?"

Harry nodded. "Yes Lou, I did."

"Good. Now...we should go and say sorry and help clean up."

Harry sighed and they both stood up, and walked back to the living room,  where the three lads were picking up houses.

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