Rekindle a Feeling

Start from the beginning

"That's the thing, Remus. The fact that he is so careless with what comes out of his mouth is what drives me absolutely up the wall!" 

"Well, he would feel quite gutted if he knew how this made you feel..." Remus was about to continue implying that Sofia should probably speak to Severus but Sofia was having none of it.

"Not. A. Word. Remus. I don't want to give him the satisfaction." Sofia had now calmed wiping her face with the back of her hands. 

"I won't tell!" He laughed. "Come on, tell me more about these classes, I'm sure you're already swaying all of the students towards your side. I know how sweet you can be to them." Remus smiled.

"It's okay. I'd rather hear about you. How's everything with Tonks I haven't seen her in ages!" Remus took his place back at the desk and proceeded to tell Sofia about Tonks and him. An hour passed as they continued talking, Sofia felt whole again. She felt like she could face Severus once more today if she would have to. More time flew by and Sofia had to leave Remus' office. 

She taught the final potions class of the day in peace, as Severus was nowhere to be seen. The class ran smoothly, whilst the students brewed a new potion. After dinner, Sofia dipped to the potions classroom once more to pick up her quill and textbook. She was about to shut the door before she saw Tim. 

"Hi, Mr Parker. Here for your detention?" Tim simply nodded. "-unfortunately, I haven't seen Professor Snape around. Come in, I'll wait with you before he comes-" 

"There will be no need." She heard the ever familiar voice come from behind Tim. She looked up to see Severus towering over her.

"Mr Parker follow me." Tim followed Severus into the classroom as Sofia made herself scarce. 

"Mr Parker, if I may ask-" He paused  "why exactly are you here?" He dragged the last word, inflicting complete fear on the 2nd year Slytherin. 

"I turned Professor Greene's hair green." He spoke not lifting his eyes from the ground. 

"Very well. This calls for some cleaning." Severus gestured for the boy to start scrubbing the floors. Severus sat at his desk and opened a book, eying Tim every once in a while to make sure he was doing his job. Eventually, Severus had realized that he couldn't focus on the words in front of his eyes. Something was nagging him at the back of his mind. No matter how hard he tried to push the thought of Sofia out of his head his mind still drifted back to her. He was either wondering if his earlier outburst was well deserved or if he had crossed a line. Frustrated he shut the book, and pulled out Sofias lesson plans. Whilst thoroughly reading them he was impressed at the amount of detail and work which went into the new plans with all the rewriting and restructuring. He was surprised, amazed even, at the amount of work she had managed to get done. He felt a strain in his chest which he later identified as guilt. Shoving the plans back into her drawer he proceeded to focus on reading. 

After an hour he decided that Tim was punished enough for the night. He was just about to let the boy head back to his dormitory before he remembered that he forgot to ask the most important question:

"Mr Parker." Tim looked up at his professor from the floor. "Why did Ms Green take the house points in the first place?" He maintained a dark gaze. He noticed the student's demeanour shift. He was embarrassed, scared even. Severus' became increasingly frustrated as he noticed that Tim wasn't planning to open his mouth. 

"Out with it." He rasped.

"I called her a mudblood sir." Tim whispered. 

"Louder Mr Parker." Severus hoped he had misheard the child. 

"I called her a mudblood professor." Tim refused to lift his eyes. Severus expression quickly changed to anger. He got up from his chair and strode to the poor boy who looked like he was about to fall through the ground. Severus pulled the boy by his shoulder closer towards him. Clenching his jaw he calmly lowered himself looking into Tim's fear struck eyes.

"Mr Parker. I hope you will be excited to hear that I will have you scrub my floors every evening until the end of October for 2 hours a night." Before Tim could lower his eyes again, Severus pulled him by the shoulder forcing him to maintain eye contact. "If I hear you say that disgusting slur once more, I will not hesitate to send you home." He let go of Tim, who had been muttering sorry professor over and over. 

"Get out." Severus barked. Tim scrambled for his things as he ran to the Slytherin common room. 

After he was gone, Severus stepped back, a painful memory had engulfed his mind bringing on a pain he had completely forgotten about. He rubbed his temples vigorously, pacing towards his desk. Resting his elbows, fingers still at his temples, he truly felt the intensity of the headache increase. No matter how hard he focused he could not erase the imaged which flooded his mind. He pictured the day he last spoke to Lily before her death over and over again. The day he ended their friendship by calling her a mudblood. He regretting nothing more in his life than that day. If he could go back in time and take it back he would have had more precious time with her before Voldemort took her life. Severus was never delusional enough to believe that Lily could love him back, especially after that incident. When she married James he had simply hoped to love her from a distance and keep her safe. Failing, years later, he still punished himself for all the little things which he wished he could have changed. Severus could not say that he loved Lily any longer after almost losing his life at the hands of Voldemort his motivations changed. But there were still days like today when his subconsciousness would force him to revisit the past and relive the same pain all over again. 

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