"Girls, that's Milly. She's –" he hesitated for a second and I had to stifle laughing.

Our situation was complicated.

"I'm his friend" I completed the thought for him and leant down to hug them the best I could.

I saw Taron and his mom exchange a glance. Had I said something wrong?

"Come on in everyone" Tina said.

Taron had his hand mere inches from my lower back and I shivered as we walked inside.

His stepdad Steve was cooking in the kitchen.

"Hi Taron, Milly" he walked over to us, first hugging Taron, then me.

I smiled. I wasn't used to that many hugs.

"Hope you're hungry" he said.

"I feel like I'm starving" I said before I could stop myself.

"There is nothing wrong with that honey, you're eating for two" Tina shot me a wink.

That was true.

We sat down at the table and I was sitting next to Taron and his mom. I couldn't drag my eyes away from Mari though, she looked so much like Taron.

It had me wondering how my girl would look at that age.

I shivered.

She would be so beautiful and humble.

"Will you get married too?" Rosie asked over dinner and I almost choked.

Kids and their honesty. It was brutal.

Taron and I exchanged a glance and my body was heating up with the way he looked at me.

"We won't" I said quietly

"Don't you love each other?" Mari asked "And the baby?"

I heard Taron clear his throat "Of course -"

My heart jumped thinking he referred to him loving me.

"- the baby will always come first" he finished his sentence and my smile faltered.

He was right about that. The baby was my everything already.

Taron helped his stepdad clean the dishes and I sat down on the couch next to Tina.

"How are you?" she asked as she put her hand on mine.

I smiled "I'm good. I just feel pretty –" I let out a breath

"Exhausted?" she asked.

I laughed "Yeah"

It wasn't just that though.

"How are you dealing with everything? Is all set yet?" she asked "If you don't mind me asking"

"No, no, it's fine" I sighed "Yeah I'm due in 6 weeks and I just can't wait to get her out of there"

I rolled my eyes.

Tina smiled "I get you, believe me"

It had me wondering what her pregnancy with Taron had been like.

"Any advice?" I smiled, grimacing.

She put her hand on my knee, just like her son always did.

"It's important to have someone there except for the midwife" she said "Someone who supports you, knows you, makes you feel safe"

I shivered at her words. The only person who could do that was Taron.

"I planned to do it on my own, actually" I said quietly.

"It's your decision to make" Tina said "Just keep in mind that it's a very emotional and extraordinary experience you might want to share with someone"

I nodded.

"Someone from your family perhaps?" she asked.

I pressed my lips together and shook my head "I'm not close to my family"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We're here for you. You are a part of our family now"

I could feel my chin wobbling already. How much I had always wanted to have a family where I could feel safe and loved.

"Thanks" I tried to smile.

Tina pulled me into a hug and I closed my eyes as I could feel tears forming in them.

"Taron is a good man" she whispered.

I sniffled "I know he is"

Maybe too much so.

"Even though I might be biased" she smiled.

I laughed "Maybe. But it's the truth"

Taron and I drove back to his place in the evening and I felt pretty knackered.

"Hey, are you okay?" Taron asked as he held me to him after I made it up the stairs.

I didn't feel quite so tired anymore.

"Yeah, I'm just tired" I said.

"We better crash then" Taron's eyes were so dark in this light "How is she?"

He glanced at my belly.

"I think she's tired too" I smiled "Hopefully. I don't want to be up all night"

Not under these circumstances at least.

"Great" his voice was low.

I lay down in bed after having changed in my PJ's and Taron lay down next to me once he left the bathroom.

"You have a great family" I said quietly.

Taron glanced over to me before putting one hand on his neck. How were his arms so huge?

"Thanks" he smiled "They like you"

I raised my eyebrows "You think?"

He nodded "Yeah. And I like you too"

My heart started racing. Something in his eyes told me there was more meaning to it.

I gulped "Well, I like you too" I smiled.

His eyes stayed on mine but neither of us spoke.

Why was I such a coward? Why could I not tell him I loved him?

"May I?" he asked when he held out his hand.

We were both laying on our sides, facing each other, and his hand was mere inches from my belly.

I nodded "Sure"

His hand touched my belly and even through the shirt I woke, my skin tingled.

"Do you think we should talk about a name?" I asked.

Taron's eyes travelled higher, from my belly up until he met my eyes.

"I'd love to. I've thought about it a lot"

"You have?"

He nodded. "Of course. We can't just call her 'our baby'"

I laughed.

But this had been the first time any of us had said 'Our baby' out loud.

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