Chapter 14

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Marinette rang the bell out the front of the Agreste estate. Adrien's father was due to return from London later that night, but Adrien had made plans for them not to be there when he arrived. The two were still not on real speaking terms since the 'incident' and Adrien was more determined than ever to move out and move on with his life. Gabriel had sent word to Nathalie that the opening of the new store would take place on Sunday, and with today being Friday it gave less than two days for her to get things organised. Nathalie was frantic as this was almost a week earlier than she had anticipated. Apparently Mr Agreste threw quite a turn at Felix and the other organisers insisting that the opening not be delayed any further.

The gates opened and the Gorilla opened the front door. Marinette always thought it was rather mean to call Adrien's bodyguard that, but Adrien had assured her that the man took it in good humour. Nevertheless, she brought him a box of pastries, earning herself a smile in return. Nathalie scurried into the foyer and the first thing Marinette noted was how exhausted she looked, like she had hardly slept for days.

"Good afternoon Marinette, did your dress and shoes arrive this morning?" Marinette nodded.

"Yes it did, and thank you for organising the flats for me to wear. My ankle is feeling much better, but I didn't want to risk it."

"I understand, you can head up to Adrien's room, he's just finishing his piano practice." Nathalie went to leave when Marinette called her back.

"Nathalie, can I ask you something please?" Nathalie stopped and turned. She could see worry and concern in Mainette's face.

"Marinette, I swear I didn't know anything about those emails..."

"No, I know that, that wasn't what I was going to ask." Nathalie looked at her curiously. "Mr Agreste..." She swallowed, trying not to let tears form. "Had he...hit Adrien like that before?" Nathalie looked at her for a moment before she let a heavy breath escape through her nostrils.

"When the company first started Gabriel struggled to get his designs noticed. He had talent, that much was obvious, but he couldn't find a way to stand out from the crowd. As Adrien started to grow, he realised that it was Adrien's face that would be what would get him noticed, that his son's beauty would be able to break through the mire of fashion houses in Paris. Emilie, Adrien's mother, started training Adrien to be a model. At first Adrien was so excited, it was all fun and games to him you see, walking the catwalk like his mother, and she kept it fun for him as he would have only been around ten or so at the time. Gabriel though, this wasn't fun for him, this was money, opportunity, his chance to be top dog in the industry. One day he came to watch Adrien rehearse before his first major catwalk appearance. Adrien was sick with a cold and really struggling that day. Gabriel lost his temper, telling him he had to do better, that everything was riding on him dazzling the critics. Adrien began to cry so Gabriel backhanded him, telling him he needed to grow up and that Emie was making him soft."

Marinette could see Nathalie was becoming visibly upset at the memory of it. She gently placed a hand on the assistants shoulder while Nathalie pulled a handkerchief from her pocket. "Emilie immediately jumped in, shielding Adrien from any further attacks. We were lucky that the make-up artists were able to cover the mark. Gabriel told them he had fallen playing in the park." She scoffed. "Like he was ever allowed to do that. Gabriel wouldn't risk anything damaging that million dollar face. Emilie threatened to walk out if he ever did it again, so he restrained himself, preferring verbal attacks to physical ones. Of course, Adrien became everything to the company, without him, Gabriel most likely would never have gotten as far as he did. " She wiped her eyes before looking back at Marinette. "When he struck Adrien like that, it was like it was happening all over again. Only this time Adrien wasn't a frightened little boy, he was ready to fight back, to fight for the two of you and what you have. I had a good mind to just let Adrien do it, God knows Gabriel needs it, but it might not have been worth the consequences." Nathalie darted her eyes away, guilt clearly playing out on her features.

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