Author's Notes: Varismalia In Depth.

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The World of Varismalia, while I plan to explore it more in depth in future books written on this site, is a rather large country even in comparison to China in our world, being three times the width of North America, and the length of North and South America combined end to end.  As such, even with the presence of Modern Magical Technology such as high speed cars and dinosaur mounts capable of magically enhanced speed, it is a treacherous country to make long distance travel on. 

Airplanes do exist, however they are mostly, like cars, reserved for luxury class or military class personnel.  On technology like this, the entire continent can be traversed in a matter of days or even hours, especially on the massive network of interconnected highways which are larger and faster than even the United States.  However, this not do much to impede on Varismalia's natural beauty or diverse ecology and ecosystems, as as the country is so massive that even the villages littered across the landscape do not do much to deforest the place.  And with mana being a clean renewable resource, the planet itself, known as Idunn to the Demon Tribes, and Earth to Humans, is far cleaner, and more vibrant than the climate of our Earth. Global Warming and Climate Change is completely nonexistent in Idunn, and by extension Varismalia. 

The Map below comes from Velsmer's Guide To Geography, Unit 18, which Mira was forced to study by Hellbi during her time training as a Huntress. Mira's study of Geography was in fact unrelated to her ability as a Huntress, but because Hellbi wanted to familiarize Mira with Varismalia in general.

Before Mira filled out the worksheet, she was taught basic map scaling and sketching, though her neatness left a bit to be desired. Take note that while the Lothlorn mountains are "mostly" drawn to scale, other bits might not be highly accurate.  However Mira's map can serve well as a basic guide to Varismalia's basic size and structure. 

In the south, marked by borders and the train station (which Mira forgot to put into the Legend), is the Independant Town State that while Independent in Name, is in fact still subject to the King of Varismalia on certain matters

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In the south, marked by borders and the train station (which Mira forgot to put into the Legend), is the Independant Town State that while Independent in Name, is in fact still subject to the King of Varismalia on certain matters. The tense relationship between Varismalia and the Town State which lies deep in the Ancient Woods, have a relationship that is best compared to that of Taiwan and China. With Varismalia claiming ownership over Town State, but with Town State abiding by it's own politics and government system.  In this map, Mira has only labeled the three largest towns. 

Vin is the town that is closest to the Winston Manor, while the Ancient Forest itself is famous for it's massive skyscraper sized trees that are so old, it is said they have lived since all the continents in Idunn were still connected together. 

The size of the Lothlorn Mountains drawn on the map compared to the the drawing of the United States are in fact far from an exaggeration. If the Lothlorn Mountains were placed anywhere in our world, only China would actually be able to fit the entirety of the mountain range, with the size of any single mountain ranging hundreds of miles. 

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