I Get a Cool Starter Weapon

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We didn't waste much time. 

Selsa immediately got me my woolen jacket with the small white bunny design near the collar (yeah the twins picked it out for me, I had no say in it), and I put it on over my maid uniform without bothering to take a change of clothes. 

There was no telling how long it would take for Winston to discover my lantern and vomit down in the passage, and there was no way to go back in and clean up the evidence without arousing suspicion. 

As Selsa went down to retrieve Agnese, planning on leaving Winston to talk to the doctor on the phone,  in the main bedroom where Abby and Winston supposedly slept, Abby put three suitcases on the bed and began filling them each with out things, mine being considerably emptier since I didn't live here as long. 

Wait, three. There were four of us. 

"Where's yours?" I asked desperately. "Grandma Abby? Don't you need to pack too?!"

Abby gave me a sad smile. "I'll take you and the twins as far as the train station, then I need to return here."

"What!? Why!?" I asked frantically. 

"This land is an independent multi city state, landlocked in Varismalia, the laws here regarding marriage are different. By law, the wife of the household cannot leave within a certain distance of the house without consent of the husband.."

"Bullshit!" I said. 

"I know, it is a law many in this land are contesting, and it might soon change, but it's not going to change now at this very moment.  However, you and the twins are not legally under the guardianship of Winston, you are employed as maids, he did this to avoid tax laws.  You three can legally leave this land."

"And where do we go?" I asked. "After we get off the train, what do we do?"

"Selsa will know what to do, listen to her well, do everything she says, both you and Agnese." said Abby quickly as she stroked my cheek affectionately.  "Know this, I will find you, when the dust settles. I'm not letting that horrible man continue his backwards rituals, not this time."

"This time?" I whispered.

"You saw the other portraits in there, his tributes to the goddess?" said Abby. "I've been married to that man for 10 years, I know what kind of monstrous things he's been doing. And I've never stopped it. I always thought I was powerless. I thought if I did anything, the next meal on his plate would be my grand daughters. How foolish I am, he only offers rare and endangered races. It's why demons are such a delicacy to him. Your race like a diamond among gold. 

Abby looked at me. "Who were you, before she brought you here?" 

I stared. "Uh.. what?"

"Don't lie to me child, you and I both know the truth." she said. "I've had 10 years to witness all of it."

"Steven." I said. "I lived in New York, and my life was mostly a trainwreck."

"Of course, she loves to step on the lives of those who have already suffered." said Abby. "Listen to me Mira. Those who follow the religion of Freyalvia's cult put up a front as nature adoring druids who care for the world.  However, in reality Freyalvia's always been a sadistic goddess, spoiled by her father, betrayer of her innocent sister Hadelies.  She demands that each year, a female of a rare species be sacrificed in her name and then consumed little by little as a meal for the rest of the year.  It is her trait that she provides the girls to each of her followers herself."

I felt by blood freeze. "Those girls, they are all.."

"Men from the other world." said Abby. "Men she toyed with and turned into females for her own amusement. She does not require those sacrifices. A nature goddess of the elves only requires fervent prayers to the trees and animals, but she is not like other nature goddesses. She despises those who escape her sacrifices, she will hunt you, never let down your guard. Promise me!"

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