I Have My First Girls Night.

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The sun came up after a few hours. Apparently Vortivern had the freedom to dispel and summon the storm at will.  Before long, I had already made arrangements to have Phillipa's captaincy returned to her on the condition that she stopped working as a slaver. If she dared to do so, I gave Vortivern full permission to go on a seek and destroy mission to sink the Cyclops. 

The air was quiet as I stood next to the ghostly captain, watching my friends both old and new chatting with each other.  Even the lich pirates seemed to be getting along with the demons. When you got over their rather intimidating appearances, they were actually quite nice people. Drox himself was actually a baker by hobby and had a  discussion with Agnese on the perfect Apple Pie recipes. It was so weird seeing a guy that reminded me of Ebony Maw from Avengers having a nice chat with my big sister. 

Then I remembered that my sister was a badass now, and then it just seemed normal. 

"Listen." I gave Vortivern a sort of sheepish look. "I know you like, promised that I'd get your crew and your ship and stuff and everything like that but-."

"No need to fear Mira Valkyrie, having us in your service does not require you sail with us for eternity. It merely means that whatever you request, no matter what it may be, we will do our best to answer the call.  It wouldn't be convenient for us to journey with you all the time anyways." said Vortivern. "After all, part of our curse makes it so that we cannot journey more than 50 miles inland.  Tis why we usually only set shore on islands which are small in land mass. "

"So if I need to travel the ocean though." I said. "Give you a call?"

"Merely shout my name across the sea and I will answer ye." said Vortivern. "I am bonded by oath to your call now."

I smiled and held out a hand to the lich. "Thanks. But before we part I have like just a few questions, and a request."

"Name them." said Vortivern, as he shook my hand. His finger bones didn't feel slimy or fleshy. If anything, they felt nice, dry and warm. 

"Firstly, you went absolutely easy on me didn't you? I don't think you ever really got serious." I said.

"Clever Mira Valkyrie. Yes, you are not yet in my league, though you present massive potential." said Vortivern. "However, a swordswoman of your caliber is rare enough in this world. Your potential to match Byrnhilldr herself, the Captain of the Valkyrie in the current day and age, is impeccable. No doubt why the the goddess of the Valkyrie saw fit to become your patron.  I encourage you to seek out the Valkyrie Academy when you reach Sanctum, if that is indeed your destination."

"Right, something tells me they won't exactly accept a demon with open arms though." I muttered.

"They won't, Byrnhilldr is as prejudiced as they come." said Vortivern. "In Sanctum they talk about enlightenment and the equality of races, but racism still runs deep, even though slavery does not exist.  That is why I wish you see her. Byrnhilldr is in need of somebody who can change her values, or else I fear the Valkyrie are doomed to end with her command. There is a dangerous conflict brewing between the Valkyries and Demons that must be bridged before it's too late."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Now is not yet the time." said Vortivern. "You shall learn when you get there, if you get there. Unfortunately I doubt Freyalvia will take my betrayal lying down. Expect her to use every ounce of her power to prevent you from finally reaching the holy city."

"Okay then." I said. "Another thing. Your dual blades. They don't look like Valkyrie Swords, but they are."

"Hahahaha! These are antiques Mira Valkyrie!" said Vortivern, drawing both his swords and showing them to me. "Once the Valkyrie wielded not just sword and shield, but spears and guns as well. But the definition of Valkyrie is to be a Shield Maiden, so these fell out of fashion around my era. However they can still utilized the Yggdrasil Style just as I did ever so slightly against you.  Speaking of the blades however.."

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