I Play Red Light With The Moon.

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I didn't wake up back at the Inn.

I woke up in a nightmare.

The next day, I felt something strange about my bed. It was hard and felt kind of splintery, and it seemed to creak quite a bit. Plus I couldn't feel my pajamas anymore. Wait a minute, I was in this situation before right? When some jackass tossed me naked into a pit. Oh no..

I opened my eyes. I was in a large room made of wood, and the room seemed to be shifting and tilting, as if it was drifting somewhere. 

I was naked and lying on my belly on top of a large wooden bench of some sort, my arms and legs were wrapped around the bench, held together with solid black chains. There were other demon girls other than me seemingly held in the same position, though I could barely see them for some reason. Somehow my night vision had been reduced to normal human sight.

I blinked, noting that these chains were ordinary iron, and under normal circumstances I should have been able to break them, but my mind was foggy and my muscles were oddly relaxed

I had been drugged. 

I don't know how they managed to sneak off with me when I was sleeping in the same room with Medi, Griffin and Agnese at the inn, but they definitely drugged me and captured me. Did some slaver notice me when I was on my way to meet the mayor? I had left my travel coat at the tavern which meant I wasn't disguised. Anybody would've seen me, even in the rain. 

"I tried to warn you, now look at you." said a sobbing voice.

I narrowed my eyes to one of the girls chained in the bench next to me. "H-Helen? Is that-?"

"Master was displeased because of how you acted towards him, so he lost his temper and beat me, then he sold me after informing the traders of where you were staying." Helen said. I could see her tears glinting from the sunlight peeking through the cracks in the boards above us. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

She began to cry horribly and miserably, choking out sobs, sounding so full of despair that it pained me to my core.

"It's okay. I have friends, they won't stand by and let me disappear, they'll find us, free us." I said. "There's still hope."

"Maybe for you, a huntress of the Association, they would probably be furious if they learned a client sold you to the traders." said Helen. "But I'm nobody. I'm property, have been ever since I was 12. But at least I kept my chastity. Now knowing where most of us women will end up, I won't even have that."

"Where are we?" I asked. 

"A ship I expect." said Helen. "Why else are we drifting? I even smell the salt."

"Going out of Varismalia?" I said, trying hard not to panic a little.

"No, we're taking coastal route around Varismalia to the Southern areas, where the Slave Trade is most profitable." said Helen. "There they'll train us before putting us on the market. They'll get us addicted to drugs mainly, that'll keep us in line. That's how the East Service Provider Slaving company works anyways."

"Oh wow, branding." I grunted, rolling my eyes. "Well that's nice. Welcome to Slave Co. A Bigot you can trust!"

"How are you still joking!?" Helen said. "Do you realize what's going on!? We're going to be force fed drugs and raped!"

"I get it I get it, sorry." I said quickly. "I sometimes joke in tense situations, it's a bad habit. But listen I've been in way more hopeless situations, some of them had me just as naked as I am right now oddly enough. Just trust me, I'm going to get us out."

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