I Surf the Job Market.

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A roar resounded in the din.  It echoed off the cliffs, the roads, the highways, the mountains. A savage roar. The cry of a hungry beast ready to sink it's claws into a meal. What monstrosity was this? What kind of terrifying monster could make such a sound?

The answer.

My stomach. 

"Ohhhhh.." I moaned as I rubbed my belly mournfully. 

It had been 12 miles since we had disembarked at our stop. It was after we got off that I realized just how much in the boonies the Town State had been in. While the villages all had looked like old rpg fantasy towns with random technology sort of jumbled in, where we got off looked far more modern. 

Don't get me wrong, we were still in the middle of nowhere. But now we had an actual paved highway. And a convenience store next to the train station that sold everything from  Sage Inc Branded Potato Chips, to Dragon Scale Care products. There was even a lazy looking human employee at the counter who I swore I must have seen at a Seven Eleven in my world at one point. 

There were even cars and a few cops sitting on patrol looking for speeders. 

Of course the cops and cars looked much different from our world. 

The cars themselves had no tires, but instead had glowing magical runes similar in appearance to the signs of the 7 Sins on my sword's blade that must have had some sort of wind or anti-gravity spell on them, because it caused the vehicles to float in the air a few feet and go at amazing speeds that far exceeded anything I had ever seen a Camaro or Tesla do.

The roads were also wider, probably to compensate for the higher speeds of the vehicles, and while I could see a few billboards here and there, I didn't see anything like power lines. I guess nobody needed those when Artifacts never needed to recharge. 

To top it off, the landscape which the highway ran through did not look like typical road trip landscape. 

In the distance, mountains so tall that their bases went past the highest clouds and then vanished into the blue sky, their peaks being too far through the atmosphere to even see, lined the horizon.  More of the massive ancient trees would turn up now and then. And the wild plains were home to herds of, yep, I'll say it: Dinosaurs. 

Triceratops and Styracosaurus were the most common species, some of them in enclosed areas like farms being herded by farmers. 

I guess the normal road trip with a little kid would involve him shouting "Dinosaur!!" instead of "Cow!"

During the first few hours of walking, I would freeze up in the street and stare at the dinosaurs now and then, and Agnese would have to pull me away, looking absolutely confused as to why I was staring something that was as commonplace as a horse. 

Now the cops. They paid no attention to us, and we didn't dare ask them for help, we didn't know what they'd do if they found out we ran away from a cultist mutant with our dead sister and grandmother left behind, and that I was an isekai gender bender. They definitely took my definition of blue hat wearing donut munching upholders of the law and threw them out the window. 

They were dressed in Knight's armor similar to what I had seen in the paintings at Winston Manor, except the armor was far more sleek and advanced looking, with black padded mesh-like material under the silver coverings for their armor, which looked slimmer, and lighter than the old fashioned chainmail I had seen.  

The visors of of the helms were long slender v-shaped lines that glowed blue and hummed slightly, and they carried silver magic rifles on their hips. The only remnant of the old Medieval knight look they had were the flamboyant red capes with golden dragon crests on them, and the silver beautiful long swords they carried on their hips. 

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