THE Reality

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A couple of stops later a guy with a red bagpack got on the bus

Immediately a weird feeling settled on my stomach.

Something was off about this guy, but still, I decided to ignore it, thinking it must be my revulsion at the dictator's eyes painted on of his bagpack.  

The same horrible graffiti that was now a symbol of mediocrity and suffering that was now painted all over the city, in addition to the different gadgets they gave away in "official" public events like that hideous bagpack.

Eew 🤢

Thank God my school was only two stops away.

This guy didn't look particularly dangerous, but the feeling wouldn't go away.

As soon as he came near my seat I decided put my bag next to me so he wouldn't sit with me, luckily it worked, he kept going.

It had only been a couple of seconds when high pitch screaming makes me jump in the seat.

Everything turned into a blured chaos...

People around me started fighting to exit the bus, I turn around and can't really see what's happening with the amount of people trapped between the seats.

But the moment a woman who was right behind me moves away, the first thing I see is a dark red stain spreading across a girl's belly and leg.

She was screaming while fighting with the guy with the red bagpack in order to keep her cellphone.

My thoughts traveled in 2 seconds between "is this stupid woman still fighting with him? Drop the phone! And...Run Bitch 🙃" cuz I also had to escape.

Getting into the mass of people trapped in the door while yelling the driver to stop the bus I do my best to let the people in front of me get off while trying not to get trampled by those behind me.

Finally I'm the first one at the door next to some other girl I now I see why people were so hesitant..

The girl jumps and I watch in horror as she falls to the ground...

I'm starting to sweat but sitting back isn't an option, plus people are starting tulo push a little which seems more scaring that jumping...

Taking a deep breath I jump, and running because  that's how they do it on movies, right?

I keep running until I don't feel like falling forward and then gradually slow down but even then I don't stop.

By some micracle I don't fall on my face in the process, I just keep running until I get to the door of my university, where I started banging on the door like crazy until they opened.

One of my friends ran to meet me with surprise and concern written on her face, surely a reaction to the fear she could see in mine.

My legs were trembling and somehow I felt cold that was quite absurd considering  I came running in the fixed 27 degrees of Caracas.

My first attempt to answer her questions was broken because I had started crying.

Ari, started rubbing my back in her very kind attempt to sooth me.

It doesn't do much for me but I still try my best to slow my breathing and as soon as I could talk the first thing that came to mind was "WE HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE!!", grabbing Ari by the arms, pleading with my eyes but deep down it didn't feel right.

The expression in Ari's face confirms my thoughts...It was useless.

"Why should we?, what happened? Are you okay?" she's asks while searching me for signs of injury.

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