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The next day you will be woken up by Aria, she will bring you breakfast to your bed and has already prepared the right clothes.

Aria: 'Good morning Y/N did you sleep well?'

I was happy about the company in the early morning and thankfully accept the breakfast.

Y/N: 'Thank you very much for the good breakfast, Aria you must have put a lot of effort into it.'

Aria: 'That is too much of thanks, I am only fulfilling my duty as a maid of the emperor.'

Somehow it was clear to me that she would say something like that.

Y / N: 'No false modesty, you did very well Aria.'

Aria: * Blushes

Aria: 'Thank you for the praise, I have already prepared your uniform for the war council, where should I put it on for you?'

Y / N: 'Just put them on the bed, I dress on my own.'

Aria put on a surprised face.

Aria: 'But your highness we or at least I have to help you to get dressed!'

Y / N: 'It's okay. I can do it myself. An eighty-thousand-year-old immortal emperor who can't dress himself is embarrassing isn't it? I appreciate your willingness to help but this time I dress myself ok? '

Aria: 'Well if it is your wish then I will leave you alone now. I still have to make sure that the ship is ready to take you to the flagship. If you have any wishes, just call me okay? '

I nodded and Aria left my bedchamber. I got up from my huge bed and opened the elaborately tailored curtains and the windows that held back the view of the magnificent capital and breathed in the cool fresh air that came flying into my face. With a touch of the screen on one of my walls, a glass table with tablecloth chairs and beautiful roses appeared from the floor in an elaborate vase. I took the breakfast Aria brought me and put it on the table, I sat on one of the chairs that appeared with the table from the floor. Aria brought me several plates and small bowls on a tray, there were still some warm bread, butter, jam, cheese, a sausage, fried egg, bacon, freshly squeezed orange juice from the Palace gardens a cup of my favorite tea and a cup of espresso. I put my breakfast on my table and enjoyed it for an hour. After breakfast I went to my bathroom and took a bath. Now that I have made myself fresh, I just have to put on my uniform. It took me around twenty minutes to get dressed. I watched myself in the mirror and straightened my tie and collar. I looked into my shining red eyes and put on my armament, a sword with a red energy blade and a pistol.After checking myself again I left my bedchambers and walked along the endless corridors of the palace on the way to my transport ship, even if I was a quarter of an hour too early, I decided to watch the technicians service the ship.I came into a large hall and saw a large metal colored ship.It is built very aerodynamically and has two large round ion engines at the ends of the wings.In the front a black-darkened glass pane through which the pilot could see and strips of glass that were sunk into the hull of the ship and from the inside allowed a good view of the starry sky. That must be the new model of the Imperial Navy.  After all, I personally ordered a new model. The fuselage was capitalized with ISN FALLING STAR. Around the ship were around two dozen technicians who took care of the maintenance of the ship. I went closer to the ship and when the technicians noticed me they dropped all their tools and fell on their knees.

Y / N: 'It's okay, get back to work!'

Technician: 'Yes, Your Highness!'

They got up again and continued servicing the ship.I went to one of the technicians who looked like he was overseeing the others.

Y/N: 'Good morning, maybe I should take a look around the inside of the ship, I haven't had the honor to look at it from the inside'

Overseer: 'Of course, Your Highness please follow me, I will lead you to the entrance.'

I followed the man who led me to the lower part of the ship, he handed me a remote control and instructed me to type on a field. Then the fuselage opened in front of me and a ramp came down. I went up and was in a small room. The ramp went up again and closed with a hiss. There were some devices on the walls, equipment for security personnel and tools to extinguish fires when the AI should ​​fail. The lights turned on, they seemed to be coming through the walls. I took a step forward and a door opened in front of me I looked inside. Another dock led directly into the cockpit so that the staff did not have to come into my area. The area in front of me was carpeted and flags of the empire hung at the other end of the room. There was a levitating table top with two chairs, a sofa and another table with champagne and wine. The side semicircular shell was made of glass and offered a view outside. I sat on an armchair opposite the sofa and looked at the hall through the glass wall.There was a hiss I knew the boarding ramp was opened and I heard footsteps coming in my direction. It was my maid Aria who stopped in the door frame and told me that it was time to start.

Y/N: 'All right, I'm ready.'

Aria nodded with a friendly smile and wanted to leave the ship.

Y/N: 'Aria, if you are already in the ship then stay too I think you might like the view.'

Aria: 'But Your Majesty I can't ...'I gestured to the sofa across from me.

Y/N : 'Come on and sit down.'Aria sat across from me and the door sealed behind her.She was wearing a beautiful snow-white dress with ruffles and she had part of her open hair in a braid.

Y/N: 'You look really good in this dress.'

Aria *blushes

I felt a slight vibration, that was certainly the ion engines that warmed up for the start. I also saw the hall roof open and show the cloudless sky. The vibrations grew stronger and I felt the ship slowly move towards the sky. Through the windows I could see the capital city which was getting smaller the faster we moved towards space. I could already see the sky getting darker before us and a few stars slowly becoming visible. The faster we got, the smaller the planet became behind us. I saw two armed ships approaching us from the left and right. It must be the escort ships that accompany us for security reasons. I heard a voice coming from speakers.

Pilot: 'We will be entering hyperspace shortly. The flight takes 2 hours.'

When the voice fell silent, artificial gravity was switched on. I only noticed now that Aria hadn't said anything.With telekinesis I got the wine and 2 glasses. While I poured the wine in the air I leaned back. 

Aria: 'Incredible you can even use telekinesis?'

Y / N: 'Of course it's not a problem.'

I let a glass of wine fly over the table.

Y / N: 'For you, the finest wine from the imperial winery.'

She gratefully accepted the glass and took a sipAria: 'Incredible, I've never tasted wine that good.'

Y / N: 'I'm happy if you like it.'

We talked for two hours and laughed a lot together.I noticed a slight increasing vibration in the ship. The pilot reported again.

Pilot: 'There are currently unexpected errors in the navigation devices, we apologize for this.'

The turbulence is getting stronger, I try to sit up and help the pilots as they speak through the speakers again. 

Pilot: 'Because of an unknown anomaly, critical errors occur in the hyperspace module of the ship, we are trying to leave the hyperspace manually.'

I see a strange bright glow in front of the ship. It rumbles and the ship quickly drifts into the dangerous fog in front of us.

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