got to tell

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***** SOOO today is my Birthday !!! anyways ... I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far now back to the story ... *****


                                                         { After School }

Dede : okay so where do you guys want to go ? *smiles*

Briana : home ..

Roc : oh Briana be nice * Kisses her on the cheek*

Briana : *blushes* nahh im good

RayRay : well I want to go to taco bell !

Princeton : Okay let's not ask RayRay where he wants to go 

RayRay : Rude much ! 

Prodigy : Pinkberry ????

Alyssa : that sounds good

Princeton : yup I can use some pinkberry

Christina: pinkberry it is !

Ariana : alright bye guys see you later *begins to walk away*

Prodigy : *goes after Ariana* where are you going ?

Ariana : home ... well your house 

Prodigy : why ? we are all going to pinkberry

Ariana : yea I know but I can't stand to be around Dede and Christina 

Prodigy : why.. what did they ever do to you ?

Ariana : *sighs* when you guys come back I will tell all of you 

Prodigy : alright if that's what you want 

Ariana : *gives Prodigy a weak smile* yea I guess .. well see you later *walks away*

                                                   { MB's house}

Ariana : *walks in the house*

Kesha : you guys are finally home !

Ariana : no Kesha it's just me 

Kesha : oh .. hey Ariana .. where are the boys ?

Ariana : they went to go hang out with the girls

Kesha : oh why didn't you go ?

Ariana : because they all went with these two girls I can't  stand ! i hate them soo much 

Kesha : why what did they do to you 

Ariana : I told Prodigy I will tell him and the boys when they get home 

Kesha : do you want to just tell me now ?

Ariana : *sighs* fine well it all started three years ago ....

                                                       { Pinkberry }

  Princeton : this is so good ! I wish Ariana were here to try it 

Briana : yea me too .. it's not the same with out her

RayRay : yea I have to agree with that

Dede : can we talk about something other than Ariana 

Alyssa : * gives Dede a dirty look * what's so bad about talking about Ariana ??

Dede : nothing it's just that it seems like you guys are always talking about her 

Roc : anyways .... the boys and I were thinking about throwing a party ..

when i saw him ... (Mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now