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A/N - pre-established Destiel. Some of the dialogue is from actual scenes from the show (from 6x02 and 9x06). I hope you guys like it!

The screeching cries tore through the thin veil of sleep, like a machete through a vampire's neck. Dean groaned and opened his eyes to see Cas staring at the ceiling in fierce concentration.

"Dean," Cas ordered quietly, not breaking his gaze. "Make it stop."

"How?!" Dean questioned desperately, irritably rubbing his eyes.

"Feed him," Cas suggested.

"I fed him!" Dean objected.

"Then what?" Cas retorted, finally looking at Dean.

"I don't know, you think I speak baby?" Dean snapped, equally frustrated. Cas sighed regretfully and took Dean's hand.

"I'm sorry," Cas murmured, bringing the hand to his lips. "I'm just really tired."

"Hey, it's ok," Dean reassured him with a tired smile, rubbing Cas's hand with his thumb. "Me too." He turned to consider the crib in the corner of the room. "Maybe he needs a diaper change."

"Oh god, I hope not," Cas cringed. Dean chuckled as he got up out of the bed. He picked Bobby John up from his crib.

"Come on, hang in there buddy," Dean urged, lifting the baby in the air so he could lightly sniff his butt.

"Nope," he said over his shoulder to Cas. He turned back to look at Bobby John, who was screeching.

"Waaaa," Dean mimicked deliriously. "Waaaaaaa!"

Shockingly, it had no effect.

"Oh for my father's sake, Dean," Cas exclaimed, getting up and taking Bobby John from the hunter.

"Please-please don't," Cas pleaded softly, rocking him back and forth. Dean scoffed, folding his arms.

"Ok," Cas muttered, glaring at Dean for second as he continued rocking Bobby John. "How about a lullaby?"

Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, shhh... Look at what's happening to me, I can't believe it myself, suddenly I'm up on top of the world, should've been somebody else..." Cas sang deeply. Dean smiled dazedly as he watched his former-angel boyfriend dance around the room with their baby, who was starting to quiet down now. He never could've guessed that this would be where they would end up, back when he had first met 'Castiel, angel of the Lord'. He chuckled, remembering how he had stabbed Cas in the chest. It's lucky they had never gone on Dr Phil, because their relationship was so messed up. But Dean wouldn't want it any other way.

"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free, flying away on a wing and a prayer, who could it be, believe it or not it's just me," Cas finished, whose voice had become less deep as the song went on. He looked up at Dean, who was still smiling like a dork at him.

"What?" Cas whispered, puzzled.

"Nothing," Dean replied dreamily. "Just you."

Cas, after a moment of confusion, shrugged and placed Bobby John back in his crib. Who, of course, immediately began wailing again.

"Alright, maybe you want some Deep Purple, little man," Dean suggested, moving forward to pick him up. He begun humming 'Smoke On The Water'.

"I think it's working," Dean mouthed with a grin to Cas as Bobby John started to smile.

Then a foul smell filled the air.

"Whoa, ok, not what we were going for," Dean groaned. Cas sighed and lay a towel down on the motel bed, before fetching a diaper from the diaper bag. Dean lay Bobby John down on the towel.

"Alright, you know what?" Dean whispered to Bobby John. "I'll pay you money if you sit still."

Cas snorted as Dean changed Bobby John's diaper with extremely careful hands. "I'm not sure that's how it works."

Dean ignored him.

"Ok, ok, alright," Dean cautioned nervously as he finished up. "Alright, you are golden, Bobby John. Time to hit the hay."

He picked the baby up and carried him over to the crib. "Ok, if I put you down, you going to be a man about it? Hmm?"

Cas came up behind Dean and wound his arms around his waist as they looked down at their baby, who was now lying peacefully under the blanket. Cas rested his head on Dean's back and closed his eyes.

"Oh no, you don't," Dean laughed quietly, turning around to extract himself from Cas's embrace. "You can't crash here, I need some serious z's."

Cas pretend-pouted, before taking Dean's hand and leading them back to bed.

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