Poison and Wine

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A/N- a songfic based on the song "Poison and Wine" by the Civics. I honestly believe this song sums up Dean and Cas really amazingly. Go listen to it and think about their relationship while you do. I guarantee you'll agree.

"Alright Sammy, what's say we take it a little easy on the booze, huh?"

"But we were just starting to have fun, Dean!" Sam insisted. Dean sighed as his brother pointed his hundredth beer bottle for the night at the angel sitting in the booth opposite them. "Right Cas?"

Cas, who had been surveying the table of raucous middle-aged women in the corner in eyebrow-furrowed contemplation, turned his gaze to Sam. "I suppose. Although, it seems I am not a reliable judge of the suitable volume of alcohol to consume. I did once drink a whole liquor store."

A smile spread across Dean's lips in spite of himself. Sam giggled.

"Youuu two are adorable," Sam observed, slurring slightly. Dean glared at him, but at that moment Charlie slid into the booth beside Cas.

"Ugh," she complained, tearing up a napkin with a scribbled phone number. "Life's too short for chatty ones."

The boys looked to see a pretty blonde sitting at the bar, looking hopefully after Charlie.

"Just as shallow as my brother, I see," Sam laughed. Charlie grinned shamelessly.

"Yeah, well, in any case I need something to distract me from my talked-off ear," she said as she looked around the room. Her eyes fell on a karaoke machine sitting innocently on the stage, and she beamed.

"I know," she declared wickedly, standing up and pulling a bemused Cas along with her. "You are going to serenade your lover-boy."

"I'm going to what my what?" Cas replied nervously, looking to Dean for help. Charlie noticed, and her grin grew even wider.

"Actually, you and lover-boy are going to sing a duet!" she trilled gleefully. She grabbed the sleeve of Cas' trenchcoat and the back of Dean's suit jacket, and, with incredible strength, began to pull them both towards the stage.

"Wait, what?" Dean stuttered angrily as she pushed them up onto the stage. Sam was whooping as he took another swig from his bottle.

"Dean, what's going on?" Cas asked anxiously as Charlie, being the tech-genius that she was, figured out how to turn on the ancient karaoke machine and brought a microphone to her mouth.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she announced to the crowded bar, who began to turn their attention to the stage. "Tonight I present to you: a hunter and his angel."

The crowd aww'd, assuming that Cas and Dean were a couple. The red on Dean's face rivalled that of a tomato, while Cas was as confused as ever.

Dean grabbed Charlie's arm as she went to pick a song. "Charlie, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

She put on her most innocent and childlike smile. "Trust me. Sing and let your heart walk free."

When Dean's glare did not waver whatsoever at her words, she dropped the act and rolled her eyes. "Ok fine. Sing the song or I release the pictures of you in Rhonda Hurley's underwear. Just so you know, I have them stashed in a digital location that you could never track down in a million years."

"What-how did you-I never did tha-," Dean stammered.

"Don't underestimate Deano," she interrupted with a wink. "It will be the death of you."

And with that, the red-haired lesbian, who at this point Dean was convinced was the most terrifying being he had faced on the road so far, picked the song with a flourish of her hand and gave a microphone to both Cas and Dean. She then jumped off the stage and rejoined Sam. Dean breathed deeply and steeled himself for what he was about to do.

"Ok Cas," he murmured as the music began to play, pointing to the machine. "Words come up on the screen, sing them to the tune of the music. You can do that, right?"

"Of course, Dean," Cas replied with a frown. "All angels can sing."

"Oh, ok, great, because I can't," Dean muttered.

The first words appeared on the screen, and Cas opened his mouth, and Dean pretty much forgot everybody else in the room from that point on.

You only know what I want you to

Cas' voice was indescribably haunting and comforting and soft and rough all at the same time. It went beyond the bounds of his speaking voice. It was the single most perfect sound Dean had heard in his whole life.

I know everything you don't want me to

Cas heard Dean singing the lyrics and knew that it was true. The hunter had an uncanny ability of making Cas reveal to him what he had never planned to reveal to anybody.

Your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine

Dean was the singlehandedly the most dangerous and powerful threat for Cas in this universe. Whatever came from Dean's mouth could build him up to the highest heights of Heaven or tear him down to the deepest depths of Hell.

You think your dreams are the same as mine

Dean remembered, with pain, Cas' deception for the supposed greater good. He had claimed, "I'm doing this for you Dean. I'm doing this because of you." Believing Dean would condone what Cas had done.

I don't love you but I always will
I don't love you but I always will
I don't love you but I always will

Dean recognised the chorus from his incessant inner monologuing. The part of him that he had been before, the cheap copy of John, complete with all of his ideals and tastes, insisted that Dean felt nothing for the angel. The other part, the part he had felt revealing itself from the moment that Dean met Castiel, emerging slowly with each time they met, whispered deafeningly into his ear. It's influence increased every time they stared just a little too long, touched just a little too often, stood just a little too close.

I wish you'd hold me when I turn my back

Every time Dean turned away from Cas, pressing a fist to his mouth, he hoped somewhere in the deepest parts of him that when he turned around, Cas would be there still. Often, instead, he would hear a flutter of wings before he had the chance, and he would be alone.

The less I give, the more I give back

So many times, Cas had tried to make up for his mistakes, and only made the situations infinitely worse. Much like his attempts at fixing a slushy machine in a certain Gas n' Sip months ago.

Your hands can heal, your hands can bruise

Cas had been there to heal Dean, and Sam too, time and time again. He was the bright beacon in their lives, an angel when they truly needed one. But he, as he had explained, was not there to perch on Dean's shoulder. He was not afraid to knock sense into Dean-sometimes physically, as Dean remembered- when he believed it necessary, and for this Dean was grateful to him.

I don't have a choice, but I still choose you

Cas had never had a choice. He could not go against Heaven. The idea itself was not even comprehensible. But still he had done it, still made a choice when there was no choice to make, all for the man with the candy apple green eyes.

I don't love you but I always will
I don't love you but I always will
I don't love you but I always will
I don't love you but I always will

"I don't love you.." Dean murmured, focused entirely on the cobalt blue ocean in front of him.

"...but I always will," Castiel finished for him, grabbing Dean's microphone and throwing them both to the ground.

Their mouths collided in pure ecstasy as cheers swelled into roaring and applause from the crowd. The loudest contributors were a certain moose and red-haired girl.

Supernatural One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora