Chapter Thirty

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Kaitlyn's POV

"Carl. Up here," I whisper-shout to him. He looks up, and I can see the smirk on his face.

"How'd you get all the way up there?" he asks. I smile and sling my rifle over my shoulder. Getting back down from the tree takes about a minute. My feet touch the solid ground and I turn to him.

"Practise," I say.

"I was thinking that we could go and pick some berries and nuts. I saw a couple of bushes with pecan nuts just over there," he says pointing at the trees a little north.

"I saw some strawberry bushes just behind us, through my scope," I say. "So let's start here."

Carl has brought a small bag and a canteen, half full of water, with him. Daylight is just breaking and if it wasn't the apocalypse, then it might be kind of romantic. Since it's late Autumn, pretty much all of the fruit is ripe, although some is slightly rotted. We strip the bushes of the luscious fruit and as we do, I pop a few in my mouth. Carl catches me around the waist and presses his lips to mines. "I love you." he says.

"I love you too," I whisper. "And we'll get through this together." He entwines his fingers with mines and we head towards the pecan bushes. Clearing the nuts make me realise just how hungry I am. "You have to crack these before you eat them, right?" I ask Carl.

"Yeah. Are you hungry?" he asks and I nod. He pulls a granola bar from his pocket and hands it to me.

"Thank you," I say, opening the wrapper.

"No problem," he says sweetly. I snap the granola bar in half and hand him a piece. I smile at him and he smiles back. His mouth is smiling but I see the hurt in his eyes and I realise that he has gone through a lot more than I thought.


When we get back to the hut, Michonne is cleaning her sword. My mother is on the floor tossing and turning and whimpering. "She's been doing that for a while now," Rick says with a worried expression. I bend down and reach for her head. She's warm but not burning.

"Her temperature is up but it isn't burning so it could be a blood infection. We have antibiotics. Mum. Mum wake up." I say shaking her. She starts and sits up. "Take these." I hand her an antibiotic and a morphine. "You're burnin' up." She swallows the pills. Carl empties the bag of nuts and strawberries on a jacket on the floor.

"Breakfast." he says.


Sammy's POV

"Do you want to try for Terminus?" Carol asks.

"The sign might be a lure. What if it's a trap or what if it's been overrun? We can't risk it." Tyreese retorts.

"I want to try. I know that if my mum or my sister saw the signs, they would go towards Terminus. I know Rick would too. We should try," I say.

Carol nods. "We should try." We start walking.


Hi guys hope you are enjoying my story.

I've been asked through a few DMs who is the girl on the cover and it's Elle Fanning.

You all still haven't told me if you want a sequel or not, so please get back to me.

As always guys, please comment, vote and follow. Love you all.

~RiggsPie xoxox

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