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Have you ever wonder how we got so close?
To the point that you are so precious to lose.
Have you ever wonder how we got here?
To the point that losing you is my darkest fear.

Many times I have sailed the sea on my mind,
Just to get our hands bind.
Many times I have thought of flying into the sky,
Just to get a glimpse of your loving eyes.

I always dream of your touch,
I always end up missing you so much.
You are more beautiful than any fairytale,
You are an ocean, you are worth to sail.

So don't worry about any distance,
I will go to you everytime I get a chance.
I will love you even if we're light years away,
I have your love with me everyday.

Love, always remember,
Thousand miles is just a number.
Road and seas may grow,
But my love is with you, wherever you go.

--I love you yesterday,today, and tomorrow again.--

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