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I miss your smile,
I long for your eyes,
I never felt your touch,
But I miss your presence.

I long for tomorrow,
For I haven't seen you today and the day before,
I miss your voice,
I miss you like I have never missed you all my life.

I long for your hand,
They're always asking me to come,
I long for your dance,
I miss you and your sway.

Your laughter,
How wonderful they are,
I miss how they can bring joy in my heart,
I long for you and your thin lips.

When can you come back?
I'm not use that you are not around,
Not without your sarcasm,
Not without you.

I will sleep forever,
Wake me up when you're back,
For my eyes long to see your beautiful face,
My heart will only be revived by you.

Poetry Of YouWhere stories live. Discover now