
12 0 0

I was holding our world on my arms,
Been months of missing your charms,
Distance is where you are from,
Letting go of the baggage from your palm.

Seeing our house of white,
Catching your smile so bright,
Happiness is when you are by my side,
Ocean of tears have been long dried.

As we put our world to sleep,
Falling on the sockets of love so deep,
A scene that I want to pause and keep,
I would not mind oblivion as we leap.

Did you ever wonder?
How miracles of love happen to strangers?
A simple "hi" from one another,
Turns into "Love, have you eaten dinner?"

I cannot add up the depth,
How your love exhumed me from death,
You are the reason of this breath,
May our love bloom in the world we enwreathe.

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