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Hi lovelies, it's been a while since I've been here. I'm sure we all know about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it's keeping everyone at home. I got a little bored and I missed this book a bit so here's another extra chapter for you guys! I don't know if I'm gonna keep working on any other books so I'm not gonna promise anything. Anyways enjoy :)


"Good morning Felix" Jimin smiled brightly as the door slammed shut behind him. The head of the boy behind the counter shot up from looking down at what could be assumed as an ordering sheet. His face lit up in a smile as he recognized the man in front of him.

"Hey Jimin, I'll go grab the flowers."

Jimin took the time to look around to shop to notice the changes. The shelves holding the rows of flowers were clearly updated but still had a cute rustic look. Everything was organized by type of flower and were meticulously color-coded. The newest change was that there was a wall covered in polaroids. There were pictures of almost the regulars as well as Felix and Changin. Jimin and his friends were in a few of the pictures that brought a small smile to his face. He turned back around after observing to find Felix at the counter again with a bouquet of flowers in hand.

"Oh, they're beautiful." Jimin practically cooed as he walked back over the counter where Felix was.

"Thank you I actually made these ones today. You never told me what they were for though."

Jimin smiled as he took the flowers from the young man in front of him and handed him his card so that he could pay for them. "Hoseok and I are announcing something important to our friends today, flowers from here felt right."

"That's cute" Felix giggled light before handing Jimin his card back and bidding the older man a goodbye and good luck on his announcement. Jimin swung the door open and walked back to his car to pull open the driver's seat and get in. It only took him about fifteen minutes to drive to his apartment and park the car.

"Honey I'm home," Jimin yelled as he pushed the front door open and kicked his shoes off only to replace them with house slippers. He smiled as he heard footsteps coming around the corner and then a glob of red hair came around the corner. "Hi, baby." He giggled before wrapping around Jimin to give him a soft kiss against his cheek. The younger responded with a hello before detaching from his love to walk into their kitchen to put the flowers in a vase.

"What time are they coming?" Jimin asked without turning around as he filled the vase with water and unwrapped the plastic from the flowers.

"In about ten minutes" Hoseok responded as he used a rag to wipe down the counter before putting everything back that was on top of it before he started cleaning.

"Okay, I'm gonna go change."

Jimin walked down the hall to their bedroom and swung open the double doors of their closet. He hummed quietly to himself as rummaged through his side of the closet looking for something cute to wear. Eventually, he picked out a black and red printed button-up and skin tight ripped black jeans. He decided to go all out and did his eye makeup before coming back out into the living room only to be attacked.

"Jimin oh my god I've missed my baby." Teahyung practically screamed as he grabbed his best friend into the tightest hug possible. Jimin giggled in response and squeezed his best friend back that he hadn't seen in a couple of months. But for the two best friends, a couple of months felt like years. Once they detached from one another the two walked back into the living room to find the rest of their friends already sat out around the living room.

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