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"If I hear one more sigh from any of you I'm leaving." Yoongi declared looking over all of his friends individually. "You're one to talk." Jimin commented setting his coffee cup down beside his thigh on the counter carefully and giving Yoongi a pointed look of annoyance.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and rolled onto his back on the couch with a rough throw  pillow covering his bare face. Jin tossed a pencil across the room and hit the top of Yoongi's head causing him to sit up in annoyance.

"Quit complaining some of us are studying." Jin scolded and Yoongi simply scoffed at the older's defense. Jimin watched the scene unravel in front of him with a small smile before using his hands to push himself off of the cold counter top. He approached the closet filled with Yoongi's clothes and pulled out a hoodie off of the hanger.

Jimin pulled the hoodie over his head and shook his messy hair before looking up to see Yoongi glaring over at him from the couch. "What? I was cold." Jimin shrugged adjusting the sleeves and Yoongi only sighed before laying his back against the couch again.

"Where's your roommate?" Hoseok suddenly asked looking up from his chemistry text book with glossed over eyes. His face was covered in stress from studying. "I don't know." Yoongi said but his voice was a little muffled by the pillow he had moved back over his face.

"Well what's his name?" Taehyung piped up and asked looking over to the neatly fixed bed of Yoongi's roommate. Jimin followed his gaze and tilted his head in confusion. It looked like nobody had ever slept there.

"Jungkook, I think?" Yoongi questioned second guessing himself as he answered their questions. Namjoon let out a loud laugh at Yoongi. "You don't even know your roommates name?" Namjoon criticized with a disappointed look. "Give me some slack he just moved in like a couple weeks ago."

Jimin laughed watching the situation unfold and his head snapped up when he heard the dorm door unlocking. Jungkook walked in through the doorway and every pair of eyes in the room were attached to him. His walking slowed down when he noticed how many people were inside the room. Jimin was perched up on the counter again, Yoongi was laid out on the couch and Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon were sat in their own seats at the table with books spread out across the surface.

"Hi you must be... Jungkook?" Jin asked hesitantly unsure of the young kids name. There was a feeling of anxiety falling across the room as everyone was staring at Jungkook. "Yeah." He said softly and walked across the room to sit in his bed.


Jimin spun around on his heels as he searched for his sketchbook with a frantic feeling falling over his shoulders. His hair was tangled as he pulled open one of his drawers hoping to find the sketchbook he was searching for.

'Aha!' Jimin cheered to himself as he pulled out the book that had been accidentally buried under his text books for his other lecture classes. He shook his head to fix his hair in the mirror and groaned at the hair not adjusting itself. He picked up a black hat and pushed it on over his dark hair and grabbed his backpack before running out of the empty dorm. Taehyung had already left a few hours ago to begin one of his classes on the other side of the campus.

Jimin tripped over his feet as he rushed across campus to the art building with his bag hanging from his shoulder. He greeted a few people that he knew as acquaintances before walking further into the hallway where the hall of art classes were. The smell of wet paint filled his senses and he smiled at all the wet canvases on the drying rack covered in a variety of art styles from different artists in the school.

"Hi Jimin. Would you mind setting up a canvas at every easel?" Jimin nodded and walked towards the tall cabinet. The magnet clicked and separated as he tugged on the doors to reveal all the art supplies. He reached on the tips of his toes to grab the stack of canvases. He bit his lip in concentration as he felt his hoodie ride up against his sides a bit.

"Need some help?"

Jimin fell down to the bottom of his feet and turned to the source of the voice. It was Jungkook wearing a black long sleeve and jeans and a small smirk on his face watching the older struggle. Jimin reached up again and grabbed what he needed before closing the doors and turning to Jungkook again.

"You're in this class?" Jimin asked walking to the front to set down the supplies he was struggling a bit to carry. Soft footsteps echoed in the room as Jungkook followed behind Jimin and watched in curiosity.

"Yeah I switched times." Jungkook shrugged and reached forward to help Jimin with some of the setting up. Jimin smiled politely at his help and finished with his helping. He moved his bag to an easel a bit farther back in the room and sat on the old wooden stool in front of it. Jungkook followed and sat down at the one beside him.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin asked turning to Jungkook as his butt slid sideways on the stool. Jungkook nodded and ruffled the front of his hair with his hand at an attempt to fix it. Jimin sighed for a moment before asking his question. "Why are you so quiet?" The question was soft in attempts to not offend him.

Jungkook sighed and thought for a moment. He tapped his chin in thought with his ring clad finger before letting out another sigh. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he kept it shut and shrugged his shoulders. Jimin slowly bobbed his head in understanding and turned to the unopened paints in front of him. He took off the caps and picked up a brush as the rest of the class piled in around the pair sitting getting ready to paint.

"What are you going to paint?" Jimin asked looking over at Jungkook as he slowly opened the black paint in front of him. Jungkook picked up his paint brush and began outlining the shape of an ominous figure. "Myself" Jungkook responded without looking over at Jimin's reaction.

Jimin watched the paintbrush move with confusion as he pondered what Jungkook had meant by that.

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