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10 years later... (now)

Your children, Daniel and Alicia, are ten years old now. It were the most beautiful years in your life, you saw and still see how they're growing up. They are the most beautiful things in your life and you couldn't be happier.

You're wondering why you only have two children, it didn't work out for you and Jensen. You tried to have more kids, but you quickly found out, your hormones weren't working. It was hard for you and Jensen when you found out you aren't able to have more kids. You tried hormone shots, everything you could have think of, it just didn't work.

But Jensen reminded you, you already have two beautiful children. You were aware of that, but still. You wanted to have one or two more kids. You've always imagined a big family, because you only had on sibling and you have always wanted more than on sibling, that's why you wanted to give your children what you couldn't have. You blamed yourself that you couldn't give your children more sibling or Jensen more than two children.

Later on you accepted it wasn't your fault, it really wasn't. You were happy with what you already got. Alicia and Daniel are your biggest luck and you definitely couldn't be happier.

Jensen and you are happily married for more than ten years already and you just have celebrated your 1oth wedding anniversary a few days back. He bought you two a trip to Paris, it was probably the most beautiful trip you two have ever made. Your kids stayed with Jensen's parents, you have been only gone for ten days.

Honestly, you can't remember that you ever fought with Jensen that you two would have got a divorce. The only big fight you had was, that when Alicia and Daniel were born, he went out with Jared. He was completely drunk while you took care of your children and you were pissed at him for not telling you. You were so worried because he didn't come home after work and came home in the middle of the night. That was the only big fight but after that maybe just a fight about where you should spend Christmas, but you have always spent Christmas with your parents and parents-in-law. 

You are really happy and grateful for what you have and what you have archieved, you'd never trade anything for this what you have rigth now. 


Hey, I know this epilogue is really short but to be honest i havent got much motivation to continue  writing this story so if you want me add something particular just comment below :)

I have a question, should i make a one shot/imagination book or a complete new book? please answer and do not ignore, please :)

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this book and especially your comments, thanks again! :)

Much love

Jass <3

I love you, always did, always will (Jensen Ackles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now